Dynamic behavior of driven interfaces in models with two absorbing states

Sungchul Kwon, WonMuk Hwang, and Hyunggyu Park
Phys. Rev. E 59, 4949 – Published 1 May 1999
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We study the dynamics of an interface (active domain) between different absorbing regions in models with two absorbing states in one dimension: probabilistic cellular automata models and interacting monomer-dimer models. These models exhibit a continuous transition from an active phase into an absorbing phase, which belongs to the directed Ising (DI) universality class. In the active phase, the interface spreads ballistically into the absorbing regions and the interface width diverges linearly in time. Approaching the critical point, the spreading velocity of the interface vanishes algebraically with a DI critical exponent. Introducing a symmetry-breaking field h that prefers one absorbing state over the other drives the interface to move asymmetrically toward the unpreferred absorbing region. In Monte Carlo simulations, we find that the spreading velocity of this driven interface shows a discontinuous jump at criticality. We explain that this unusual behavior is due to a finite relaxation time in the absorbing phase. The crossover behavior from the symmetric case (DI class) to the asymmetric case (directed percolation class) is also studied. We find the scaling dimension of the symmetry-breaking field yh=1.21(5).

  • Received 3 November 1998


©1999 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Sungchul Kwon1, WonMuk Hwang2, and Hyunggyu Park1

  • 1Department of Physics, Inha University, Inchon 402-751, Korea
  • 2Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215

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Vol. 59, Iss. 5 — May 1999

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