Phase transitions in a frustrated XY model with zig-zag couplings

Mourad Benakli and Enzo Granato
Phys. Rev. B 55, 8361 – Published 1 April 1997
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We study a generalized version of the square-lattice frustrated XY model where unequal ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic couplings are arranged in a zig-zag pattern. The ratio between the couplings ρ can be used to tune the system, continuously, from the isotropic square-lattice to the triangular-lattice frustrated XY model. The model can be physically realized as a Josephson-junction array with two different couplings, in a magnetic field corresponding to half-flux quanta per plaquette. Mean-field approximation, Ginzburg-Landau expansion and finite-size scaling of Monte Carlo simulations are used to study the phase diagram and critical behavior. Depending on the value of ρ, two separate transitions or a transition line in the universality class of the XY-Ising model, with combined Z2 and U(1) symmetries, takes place. In particular, the phase transitions of the standard square-lattice and triangular-lattice frustrated XY models correspond to two different cuts through the same transition line. Estimates of the chiral (Z2) critical exponents on this transition line deviate significantly from the pure Ising values, consistent with that along the critical line of the XY-Ising model. This suggests that a frustrated XY model or Josephson-junction array with a zig-zag coupling modulation can provide a physical realization of the XY-Ising model critical line.

  • Received 17 October 1996


©1997 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Mourad Benakli

  • Condensed Matter Physics Group, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 34100 Trieste, Italy

Enzo Granato

  • Condensed Matter Physics Group, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 34100 Trieste, Italy
  • and Laboratório Associado de Sensores e Materiais, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais,

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Vol. 55, Iss. 13 — 1 April 1997

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