Spin-glass transition in MnO

J. J. Hauser and J. V. Waszczak
Phys. Rev. B 30, 5167 – Published 1 November 1984
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What could possibly be new in MnO 46 years after the discovery of its antiferromagnetic transition?: a spin-glass transition in the (25-50)-K temperature range. The susceptibility of MnO powders obtained by various treatments (MnO aged 30 years in ambient atmosphere, MnO2 reduced at 500 and 1000°C in hydrogen, and MnO heated in air at 500°C) was measured in low dc and ac magnetic fields and in a high dc magnetic field. The spin-glass behavior is linked to a slight offstoichiometry: MnO1+x with x0.01. It is not believed that the susceptibility peak arises from a mixture of MnO and Mn3O4. This conclusion is based on the shape of the susceptibility curves at both the spin-glass temperature (TSG) and the Néel temperature as well as on the various TSG values which differ from the ferrimagnetic transition of Mn3O4. It is more likely that the spin-glass interaction occurs either between Mn3O4-like clusters or between defects typical in MnO such as an interstitial Mn surrounded by four Mn vacancies.

  • Received 31 May 1984


©1984 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

J. J. Hauser and J. V. Waszczak

  • AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974

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Vol. 30, Iss. 9 — 1 November 1984

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