Plasma excitations in charged sodium clusters

J. Borggreen, P. Chowdhury, N. Kebaïli, L. Lundsberg-Nielsen, K. Lützenkirchen, M. B. Nielsen, J. Pedersen, and H. D. Rasmussen
Phys. Rev. B 48, 17507 – Published 15 December 1993
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Photoabsorption cross sections for free, singly charged sodium clusters (14–48 atoms) have been measured by recording the light-induced evaporation. The measurements cover the region from 366 nm (3.4 eV) to 605 nm (2.0 eV) in 15 steps with a spectral resolution of ≃10 nm. The evaporation residues are separated in an electrostatic field and detected by a position-sensitive microchannel plate. The spectra are dominated by surface-plasma oscillations of the valence electrons with a cross section that exhausts ≊70–100 % of the dipole sum rule. Over the mass range considered, the mean energies of the resonances are constant (≃2.64 eV), and redshifted compared to the corresponding experimental bulk-plasmon energy but slightly blueshifted compared to the resonance energy of neutral clusters. A double structure of the resonance peak is observed for nonmagic clusters. It is discussed and interpreted in terms of spheroidal deformations.

  • Received 13 September 1993


©1993 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

J. Borggreen, P. Chowdhury, N. Kebaïli, L. Lundsberg-Nielsen, K. Lützenkirchen, M. B. Nielsen, J. Pedersen, and H. D. Rasmussen

  • The Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark

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Vol. 48, Iss. 23 — 15 December 1993

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