Transitions to periodic structures in block copolymer melts

Monica Olvera de la Cruz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 85 – Published 1 July 1991
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We study transitions to periodic structures in diblock copolymer melts including self-consistently the concentration fluctuations, and expanding the density in multiple harmonics. The fluctuations induce a shift in the maximum scattering wave vector in the isotropic state which suggests that the chains stretch near the transition. Transitions to 3D hexagonal lattices, 2D hexagonally packed cylinders, and bcc structures are predicted. We find the periodicity near the transition: The chains contract in the bcc, while they stretch in the other structures.

  • Received 13 December 1990


©1991 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Monica Olvera de la Cruz

  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208

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Vol. 67, Iss. 1 — 1 July 1991

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