Statistical theory of critical phenomena in fluids

G. A. Martynov
Phys. Rev. E 79, 031119 – Published 26 March 2009


We show that there are two classes of the closure equations for the Ornstein-Zernike equation: The analytical equations for the bridge functional B=B(an) like hypernetted-chain approximation, Percus-Yevick approximation, etc., and nonanalytic equation B=B(nan), where B(nan)=B(rg)+B(cr) and B(rg) is the regular (analytical) component of the bridge functional, and B(cr) is the critical (nonanalytical) component of B(nan). The closure equation B(an) defines coordinates of the critical point and other individual features of critical phenomena, and B(nan) defines all the known relations between critical exponents. It is shown, that the necessary condition for existence of the nonanalytic solution of the OZ equation is the equality 5η=δ(1+η), where η,δ are the critical exponents, values of which can change in a narrow interval. We also show that the transition from the analytical solution to the nonanalytic one is accompanied by a break of the pressure derivative. The boundaries between the areas, where each of these solutions exists, are indicated on the phase diagram.

    • Received 21 September 2008


    ©2009 American Physical Society

    Authors & Affiliations

    G. A. Martynov*

    • Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS, Leninskii prospect, 31, Moscow, Russia

    • *

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    Vol. 79, Iss. 3 — March 2009

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