Multiperipheral Mechanism for a Schizophrenic Pomeranchon

Geoffrey F. Chew and Dale R. Snider
Phys. Rev. D 1, 3453 – Published 15 June 1970
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It is demonstrated through an explicit model that the weak high-subenergy tail of the multiperipheral kernel, acting in conjunction with the strong low-subenergy component, is capable of producing a high-ranking output Regge doublet with vacuum quantum numbers. We show that association of the upper doublet member with the P (Pomeranchon) and the lower with the P is consistent with experimental total, elastic, and diffractive dissociation cross sections, as well as with multiplicity of produced pions, and predicts a Pomeranchon slope near t=0 that is roughly half normal. As t becomes negative, the Pomeranchon slope decreases to a small value, while for t positive the slope increases to a normal value, the P trajectory containing the particles usually assigned to the P. The latter trajectory has a converse behavior, with small slope for positive t and normal slope at negative t. The P and P trajectories thus exchange "normal" and "abnormal" roles near t=0.

  • Received 27 February 1970


©1970 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Geoffrey F. Chew and Dale R. Snider

  • Department of Physics and Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720

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Vol. 1, Iss. 12 — 15 June 1970

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