J dependence in the Cr50(Li7,He6)Mn51 reaction at 28 MeV

J. E. Kim and W. W. Daehnick
Phys. Rev. C 23, 742 – Published 1 February 1981
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The reaction Cr50(Li7,He6)Mn51 was investigated at extreme forward angles, 1.6°θ12°, in order to study the j dependence for the (Li7,He6) reaction at 28 MeV. The He6 ejectiles were detected with a position-sensitive (helix) counter in the focal plane of an Enge-split-pole spectrograph. A total energy resolution of about 30 keV was obtained. The angular distributions for seven low-lying states in Mn51 show a pronounced j dependence for angles below 7° and the expected l dependence at angles θ9°. Finite-range distorted-wave Born approximation calculations which include recoil effects reproduce the j-dependent angular distributions very well and permit a clear distinction between p32, p12, f72, and f52 final state angular momenta. The relative spectroscopic factors deduced were in reasonable agreement with those obtained in a recent Cr50(He3,d)Mn51 reaction study.

NUCLEAR REACTIONS Cr50(Li7,He6)Mn51, ELi MeV; measured EHe6 and σ(θ,EHe6) in split pole spectrograph with 30 keV resolution. Finite-range-DWBA analysis, deduced jtransfer, spectroscopic factors.

  • Received 10 October 1980


©1981 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

J. E. Kim* and W. W. Daehnick

  • Nuclear Physics Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260

  • *Present address: Jeonbug National University, Jeonju, Jeonbug, Korea.

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Vol. 23, Iss. 2 — February 1981

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