N+d clustering of three-nucleon systems: D-state effects in (d,t) and d,He3) reactions

F. D. Santos, A. M. Eiró, and A. Barroso
Phys. Rev. C 19, 238 – Published 1 January 1979
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The S- and D-state radial components u0 and u2 of the relative motion between the clusters d+n in H3 necessary in a full finite range distorted-wave Born-approximation analysis of (d,t) reactions, are calculated using realistic triton and deuteron wave functions derived from the Reid soft-core potential. The parameter D2 which provides a measure of the asymptotic D state to S state ratio is found to be almost entirely determined by the triton D state, the deuteron D-state contribution being about 10%. Using the Strayer and Sauer triton wave function, the value D2=0.17 fm2 is obtained after correcting the asymptotic behavior of the dt overlap. This result suggests that the Reid soft-core potential overestimates D2 by about 20% compared with values extracted from a local energy approximation analysis of (d,t) tensor analyzing power data. The difference between D2 for (d,t) and (d,He3) is discussed.

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE H3; calculated S and D states of the overlap integral with deuteron; deduced D0 and D2 for (d,t) and (d, He3) reactions.

  • Received 28 August 1978


©1979 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

F. D. Santos, A. M. Eiró, and A. Barroso

  • Laboratório de F´isica, Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

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Vol. 19, Iss. 1 — January 1979

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