States in Pt197 populated by the (d,p), (d,t) and (n,γ) reactions

Y. Yamazaki, R. K. Sheline, and E. B. Shera
Phys. Rev. C 17, 2061 – Published 1 June 1978; Erratum Phys. Rev. C 18, 2450 (1978)
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States in Pt197 have been studied using the Pt196(d,p)Pt197 and Pt198(d,t)Pt197 reactions with 13.5 MeV deuterons and the Pt196(n,γ) reaction using thermal neutrons. The measured Q values were 3.606 ± 0.020, - 1.221 ± 0.020, and 5.8463 ± 0.0004 MeV for the (d,p), (d,t), and (n,γ) reactions, respectively. Transferred l values have been determined from angular distributions and spectroscopic factors determined by comparison with distorted-wave Born-approximation calculations. Some of the states can be tentatively assigned as Nilsson states arising from an oblate deformation. These include the 5/2[532], decoupled 1/2+[600] and 9/2+[615] states. A number of low lying states with l=1 cannot be explained using the Nilsson model or the shell model.

NUCLEAR REACTIONS, NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Pt196(d,p), Pt198(d,t), Ed=13.5 MeV. Measured σ(Ep,θ), σ(Et,θ), Q, DWBA analysis; Pt196(nth,γ). Measured Eγ, Iγ, Q. Deduced energies, l, J, π of Pt197 levels, enriched targets.

  • Received 19 December 1977


©1978 American Physical Society


Erratum: States in Pt197 populated by the (d, p), (d, t), and (n, γ) reactions

Y. Yamazaki, R. K. Sheline, and E. B. Shera
Phys. Rev. C 18, 2450 (1978)

Authors & Affiliations

Y. Yamazaki* and R. K. Sheline

  • Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306

E. B. Shera

  • Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

  • *Present address: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545.

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Vol. 17, Iss. 6 — June 1978

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