Deconstruction of the Au{110}(1×2) surface

C. Höfner and J. W. Rabalais
Phys. Rev. B 58, 9990 – Published 15 October 1998
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The deconstruction of the Au{110}(1×2) missing-row (MR) surface has been studied by variable temperature scattering and recoiling imaging spectrometry (SARIS). SARIS images were acquired over the range of 298–720 K and for an amorphousized surface produced by high-dose Ar+ sputtering. The sharp, anisotropic features observed in the images from the ordered (1×2) surface at 298 K change monotonically with increasing temperature into broadened, more featureless images in which the first-layer blocking arcs shift to very low exit angle values. The basic features of the (1×2) MR structure are still observed even near 700 K where three-dimensional roughening begins. These (1×2) features are completely obliterated on the sputtered amorphousized surface, depicting a surface that is dominated by three-dimensional roughening. Classical ion trajectory simulations using the scattering and recoiling imaging code are used to probe the effects of vibrational amplitude and conversion to a (1×1) structure. The results accentuate the remarkable stability of the (1×2) MR structure up to the roughening temperature and exclude early proposals of an order-disorder transition via lattice gas formation. The findings are in agreement with more recent models in which roughening induces a simultaneous deconstruction transition.

  • Received 2 March 1998


©1998 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

C. Höfner and J. W. Rabalais*

  • Department of Chemistry, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-5641

  • *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

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Vol. 58, Iss. 15 — 15 October 1998

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