Raman study of the oxygen anharmonicity in YBa2Cu3Ox (6.4<x<7.0) superconductors

D. Palles, N. Poulakis, E. Liarokapis, K. Conder, E. Kaldis, and K. A. Müller
Phys. Rev. B 54, 6721 – Published 1 September 1996
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A systematic Raman study in the visible and the near IR has been carried out on YBa2Cu3Ox samples, with isotopic substitution of O18 for O16, and for oxygen concentrations in the range x=6.446.98. A small but clear deviation from harmonic behavior has been detected for the frequency shift of the in-phase mode and, to a less extent, of the apex mode, relative to the out-of-phase phonon. The deviation increases towards low concentrations of oxygen. A disagreement of the present work for the apical mode, with a previous investigation using IR excitation, is attributed to the contribution of several phases to the apex mode in the underdoped region and the possible IR resonance of the "ortho-II" phase.

  • Received 29 February 1996


©1996 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

D. Palles, N. Poulakis, and E. Liarokapis

  • Physics Department, National Technical University, Athens 157 80, Greece

K. Conder and E. Kaldis

  • Laboratorium für Festkörperphysik, Edgenössische Technische Hochschule Honggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland

K. A. Müller

  • IBM Zürich Research Lab. Saumerstr. 4, CH-8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland

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Vol. 54, Iss. 9 — 1 September 1996

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