Microscopic calculation of spin waves in antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers: Nonreciprocity and finite-size effects

F. C. Nörtemann, R. L. Stamps, and R. E. Camley
Phys. Rev. B 47, 11910 – Published 1 May 1993
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We present a calculation of spin waves in coupled multilayered structures that is based on exact evaluation of both exchange and dipolar fields. We compare our results with earlier continuum treatments. The ground-state spin configuration in antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers can differ significantly from the uniformly canted ground state usually assumed. This nonuniform ground state is found to alter radically the character of the spin-wave modes and sometimes lead to a strong localization of the wave to the outermost magnetic films of the multilayer. In addition, we examine the validity of effective-medium theory—a continuum theory—and find that it does not completely describe spin-wave excitations in finite antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers. Finally, the spin-wave frequencies are found to be nonreciprocal with respect to propagation direction for most directions, i.e., ω(q)≠ω(-q) where q is the propagation wave vector. This nonreciprocal behavior is explained from basic symmetry considerations. Again, the nonreciprocity is not properly described within effective-medium theory.

  • Received 30 November 1992


©1993 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

F. C. Nörtemann, R. L. Stamps, and R. E. Camley

  • Department of Physics, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80933-7150

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Vol. 47, Iss. 18 — 1 May 1993

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