Dynamical properties of long-wavelength interface fluctuations during nucleation-dominated crystal growth

Wim van Saarloos and George H. Gilmer
Phys. Rev. B 33, 4927 – Published 1 April 1986
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Motivated by advances in laser scattering experiments on crystal-melt interfaces during growth conditions, we discuss the interface fluctuations of a faceted crystal during nucleation-dominated growth. If the nucleation rate is large enough so that each layer grows as a result of multiple nucleation events, the properties of long-wavelength interface fluctuations can be understood in terms of a simple random-walk picture. Accordingly, apart from a change in length scale, the interface fluctuations during growth resemble those of a rough interface. This is a form of dynamic roughening. The various factors contributing to the decay of fluctuations are discussed and a comparison with a model of Bilgram et al. for the interface dynamics is made.

  • Received 25 October 1985


©1986 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Wim van Saarloos and George H. Gilmer

  • AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974

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Vol. 33, Iss. 7 — 1 April 1986

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