Magnetic phase boundaries of CsMnF3: XY-to-Ising crossover and the virtual bicritical point

Y. Shapira, N. F. Oliveira, Jr., and T. S. Chang
Phys. Rev. B 21, 1271 – Published 1 February 1980
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The ordering temperature Tc of the easy-plane hexagonal antiferromagnet CsMnF3 was measured as a function of magnetic field H, up to 120 kOe. Tc was determined from the thermal expansion anomaly at constant H. At H=0, TNTc(0)=51.4 K. When H is in the hexagonal plane, the boundary Tc(H) is bow shaped: with increasing H, Tc first increases, then passes through a maximum, and later decreases. The maximum Tc is ∼37 mK above TN, and it occurs at H29.5 kOe. The bow-shaped phase boundary is attributed to the XY-to-Ising crossover which is induced by the magnetic field, as discussed by Fisher, Nelson, and Kosterlitz. Fits to the phase boundary Tc(H) give a crossover exponent φ=1.185±0.03 for one sample and φ=1.184±0.025 for another, compared to the theoretical value φ(n=2)=1.175±0.015. When H is perpendicular to the hexagonal plane, Tc decreases monotonically with increasing H, but the decrease is not in accordance with mean-field theory, which predicts a decrease proportional to H2. The deviation from mean-field behavior is attributed to a virtual bicritical point (VBP) with Heisenberg symmetry, which exists mathematically at a negative value of H2. Although the VBP cannot be observed directly, it affects the behavior in the observable region of H2>~0. Physically, a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the easy plane enhances the Heisenberg-to-XY symmetry breaking, which at H=0 is solely due to the weak easy-plane uniaxial anisotropy. The enhanced symmetry breaking causes a non-mean-field dependence of Tc on H. An equation derived on this basis gives a good description of the phase boundary Tc(H). This equation contains three adjustable parameters, two of which can also be estimated without recourse to the phase boundary Tc(H). The values for these two parameters obtained from a best fit to Tc(H) agree with the independent estimates.

  • Received 17 September 1979


©1980 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Y. Shapira

  • Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

N. F. Oliveira, Jr.

  • Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 and Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de São Paulo, C.P. 20516, São Paulo, Brasil

T. S. Chang*

  • Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

  • *Also at Lyman Laboratory, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. 02138.

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Vol. 21, Iss. 3 — 1 February 1980

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