Exciton annihilation in molecular crystals at high exciton densities

W. Chabr and D. F. Williams
Phys. Rev. B 19, 5206 – Published 15 May 1979
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Suna's kinematic equations describing exciton annihilation in aromatic crystals are solved for higher exciton densities n, i.e., where nβγ, where β is the monomolecular decay rate and γ is the bimolecular annihilation rate constant. It is found that in case of diffusion-limited annihilation, γ is a function of the exciton density n even for n small compared to the lattice site density. In general γ is then a monotonically increasing function of n and these density effects depend on the dimensionality of the exciton motion. For both triplet and singlet excitons, γ is a function of n in one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems only. In the case of singlet excitions, γ depends on n even in three-dimensional systems if reabsorption is a dominant mechanism of exciton motion. Some materials are suggested in which such effects could be experimentally observable.

  • Received 14 November 1978


©1979 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

W. Chabr and D. F. Williams

  • Division of Chemistry, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada

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Vol. 19, Iss. 10 — 15 May 1979

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