Density dependence of stopping cross sections measured in liquid ethane

Georg Both, Ralph Krotz, Karl Lohmer, and Wolfgang Neuwirth
Phys. Rev. A 28, 3212 – Published 1 December 1983
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Electronic stopping cross sections for Li7 projectiles (840-175 keV) have been measured with the inverted Doppler-shift attenuation method in liquid ethane (C2H6) at two different densities. The density of the target has been varied by changing the temperature, and measurements have been performed at 0.525 g/cm3 (199 K) and 0.362 g/cm3 (287 K). At the higher density the stopping cross section is about 2% smaller. This result agrees with a calculation of the stopping cross section of liquid ethane, applying Lindhard's theory in the local-density approximation using a simple model of the liquid. It is also in agreement with various observations of the so-called physical-state effect, which show that the stopping cross section of the same substance is smaller in a condensed phase than in the gaseous one.

  • Received 6 June 1983


©1983 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Georg Both, Ralph Krotz, Karl Lohmer, and Wolfgang Neuwirth

  • Erstes Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, D-5000 Köln, Federal Republic of Germany

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Vol. 28, Iss. 6 — December 1983

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