Photodisintegration of Helium

Everett G. Fuller
Phys. Rev. 96, 1306 – Published 1 December 1954
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Helium gas at atmospheric pressure was irradiated with 26-, 29-, 32-, and 40-Mev bremsstrahlung spectra. The energy and angular distributions of the protons produced by the photodisintegration of He4 were studied using nuclear emulsions to detect the charged particles. Angular distributions of the protons are fitted to a differential cross section of the form σ(θc.m.)(ab)+sin2θc.m.[1+(γb)cosθc.m.]. Over the energy range studied, the interference term may increase slowly with energy but is approximately constant (γb=0.2±0.1); the isotropic term increases rapidly with energy from 0 to 0.33±0.2 at a mean photon energy of 32.5 Mev. The (γ, p) cross section reaches a peak value of about 1.8 mb at about 26 Mev. 2040σdE=0.016±0.005 Mev barns.

  • Received 18 May 1954


©1954 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Everett G. Fuller

  • National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.

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Vol. 96, Iss. 5 — December 1954

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