K-Meson and Hyperon Decays

Paul H. Barrett
Phys. Rev. 94, 1328 – Published 1 June 1954
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A stack of 400μ Ilford G-5 nuclear emulsion surrounded by 5.5 cm of brass was flown at 85 000 feet for 10 hours at λ=41°N. While scanning 409 cm2 of these emulsions the decay of seven K particles and one τ meson have been observed. A hyperon produced in a star is seen to decay into an L meson. For the decay scheme Y±π±+n+Q this event gives Q=(48±20) Mev. A heavy nuclear fragment (Z5) from an eight-prong star decays into Li8, a proton, and a particle that is probably a deuteron. An event has been observed that could be interpreted as an example of the decay of a τ meson by the decay scheme τ+π++2π0.

  • Received 18 February 1954


©1954 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Paul H. Barrett*

  • Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

  • *Now at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.

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Vol. 94, Iss. 5 — June 1954

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