Effect of CCl4 Vapor on the Dielectric Strength of Air

M. T. Rodine and R. G. Herb
Phys. Rev. 51, 508 – Published 15 March 1937
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The effect of CCl4 vapor on the dielectric strength of air has been studied at a number of different air pressures up to a maximum of 75 lb./in.2. With air at 25°C and 15 lb. pressure the dielectric strengths of the mixtures relative to pure air ranged from a value of 1.25 for a CCl4 vapor pressure of 5 percent of saturation to a value of 1.80 for a saturated vapor pressure. At higher air pressures the addition of CCl4 vapor gives a greater increase in the absolute value of the dielectric strength, but the percentage increase, relative to the pure air, is less than at 15 lb. pressure.

  • Received 14 January 1937


©1937 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

M. T. Rodine and R. G. Herb

  • Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

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Vol. 51, Iss. 6 — March 1937

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