Magnetic Resonance Molecular-Beam Spectra of Methane

C. H. Anderson and N. F. Ramsey
Phys. Rev. 149, 14 – Published 9 September 1966
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A detailed analysis of the hyperfine Hamiltonian for the protons in CH4 is given using group-theoretical techniques, a generalized concept of irreducible tensor operators being introduced. Experimental results using the magnetic resonance molecular-beam technique are given and compared with the theoretical results. The average spin-rotational constant for the protons was found to be (+) 10.40±0.10 kc/sec, and the g value of the rotational magnetic moment for the CH4 molecule was measured to be (+)0.3133±0.0002. Neither sign was measured, but strong arguments are given that the signs in parentheses are the correct ones. The proton in CHD3 was also investigated to give, with the CH4 results, the spin-rotational constant for rotations perpendicular to a carbon-hydrogen band axis as (+)17.4±1.6 kc/sec and for rotations about the axis as (-)3.6 ± 3.2 kc/sec. A measurement of the quadrupole moment of a substituted deuteron was attempted with inconclusive results.

  • Received 8 April 1966


©1966 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

C. H. Anderson* and N. F. Ramsey

  • Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

  • *Present address: RCA Laboratories, Princeton, New Jersey.

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Vol. 149, Iss. 1 — September 1966

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