Separable Potentials and Coulomb Interactions

David R. Harrington
Phys. Rev. 139, B691 – Published 9 August 1965
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The scattering of two nonrelativistic charged particles interacting via a short-range separable potential and a repulsive Coulomb potential is studied. The "nuclear" phase shift is given by an explicit formula, identical to that for the neutral-particle case except that the separable potential functions are replaced by their Coulomb-modified counterparts. A simple one-term S-wave separable potential of the Yamaguchi type is used to illustrate this result. A perturbation theory is developed and used to relate the proton-proton scattering length and effective range and the corresponding neutron-neutron parameters. The result is in resonable agreement with experiment and with previous calculations using local potentials.

  • Received 15 March 1965


©1965 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

David R. Harrington

  • Rutgers—The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey

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Vol. 139, Iss. 3B — August 1965

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