
Measurement of Intracellular Ca2+ Release in Intact Cells Using 45Ca2+

  1. Ludwig Missiaen1
  1. Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Signaling, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, KU Leuven Campus Gasthuisberg O&N I, 3000 Leuven, Belgium


    This protocol describes a technique using 45Ca2+ to measure the release of Ca2+ from the intracellular stores in monolayers of intact cells cultured in 12-well 4-cm2 clusters. The 45Ca2+-flux technique described here can only be applied to cell types that adhere to plastic. We describe the loading of the stores with 45Ca2+, and the subsequent 45Ca2+ efflux.


    • 1 Correspondence: ludwig.missiaen{at}

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