Economics of Ribosome Biosynthesis

  1. J.R. WARNER,
  2. J. VILARDELL, and
  3. J.H. SOHN
  1. Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York 10461

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The growing yeast cell is an intricate factory whosemajor product is ribosomes. The synthesis of ribosomesinvolves the coordinate activity of three RNA polymerases transcribing more than 300 genes. Analysis ofhow the cell has dealt with the enormous evolutionarypressure to effect such coordination leads to new appreciation of the integration of the cell's pathways of macromolecular synthesis and poses new questions—boldquestions such as how the cell integrates intra- and extracellular signals, and subtle questions such as how the celltitrates accurately the production of a single protein...

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