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Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

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Concentration of mass and central limit properties of isotropic convex bodies
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by G. Paouris PDF
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), 565-575 Request permission


We discuss the following question: Do there exist an absolute constant $c>0$ and a sequence $\phi (n)$ tending to infinity with $n$, such that for every isotropic convex body $K$ in ${\mathbb R}^n$ and every $t\geq 1$ the inequality $\textrm {Prob}\left (\big \{ x\in K:\| x\|_2\geq c\sqrt {n}L_Kt\big \}\right ) \leq \exp \big (-\phi (n)t\big )$ holds true? Under the additional assumption that $K$ is 1-unconditional, Bobkov and Nazarov have proved that this is true with $\phi (n)\simeq \sqrt {n}$. The question is related to the central limit properties of isotropic convex bodies. Consider the spherical average $f_K(t)=\int _{S^{n-1}}|K\cap (\theta ^{\perp }+t\theta )|\sigma (d\theta )$. We prove that for every $\gamma \geq 1$ and every isotropic convex body $K$ in ${\mathbb R}^n$, the statements (A) “for every $t\geq 1$, $\textrm {Prob}\left (\big \{ x\in K:\|x\|_2\geq \gamma \sqrt {n}L_Kt\big \}\right )\leq \exp \big (-\phi (n)t\big )$" and (B) “for every $0<t \leq c_1(\gamma )\sqrt {\phi (n)}L_K$, $f_K(t)\leq \frac {c_2}{L_K}\exp \big (-t^2/(c_3(\gamma )^2L_K^2)\big )$, where $c_i(\gamma )\simeq \gamma$" are equivalent.
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Additional Information
  • G. Paouris
  • Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, Iraklion 714-09, Greece
  • MR Author ID: 671202
  • Email:
  • Received by editor(s): August 2, 2003
  • Published electronically: September 20, 2004
  • Communicated by: Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
  • © Copyright 2004 American Mathematical Society
    The copyright for this article reverts to public domain 28 years after publication.
  • Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), 565-575
  • MSC (2000): Primary 52A20; Secondary 52A38, 52A40
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 2093081