
Published 2011 April 29 © 2011. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Nagendra Singh and Sudeepth Araveti 2011 ApJL 733 L6 DOI 10.1088/2041-8205/733/1/L6



Tu et al. measured outflow of Ne7+ at a height of 20 Mm above the photosphere demonstrating that the solar wind originates in coronal funnels footed in the chromospheric magnetic networks. We suggest that when the bottom of a coronal flux tube is populated by the chromospheric plasma consisting of protons as the major ions, Ne7+ as minor ions, and heated electrons in the magnetic networks, large-scale plasma expansion could accelerate the Ne7+ ions to a velocity ∼10 km s−1 at a height ∼ 20 Mm as measured. Two scenarios are discussed here, one with the bulk heating of the electrons to a temperature Te > 64 eV and another with a small fraction of the electrons heated to high temperatures Teh > 158 eV, appearing as an energetic tail to the electrons' velocity distribution function. In the former scenario, the expansion produces weak ambipolar electric fields distributed along the entire length of the funnel. In the latter one the electric field is concentrated in a double layer. The electric fields accelerate the ions against the solar gravity. The required electron temperatures in the above scenarios are large enough to ionize neon atoms yielding Ne7+.

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Tu et al. (2005) reported that the solar wind originates in coronal funnels, in which ions are accelerated between heights from 5 Mm to 20 Mm above the solar photosphere. There are several modeling efforts attempting to explain the origin and acceleration of the solar wind. We refer to a recent paper by Cranmer et al. (2010) for a discussion on the wave turbulence-driven and magnetic loop reconnection driven models. There is another type of model dealing with the collisionless exospheric plasma expansion from the hot coronal plasma at large heights, and not from the chromosphere (Pierrard et al. 2004; Marsch 2006). Boswell et al. (2006) suggested that the accelerations of the ions in the coronal funnels could be caused by current- free double layers (CFDLs), as seen in laboratory experiments in Helicon Plasma Device (HPD; Charles et al. 2007). The CFDLs form in HPD due to plasma expansion in abruptly diverging magnetic fields. Since the scale length of the diverging magnetic field (B), LB, in HPD is microscopic and comparable to the ion Larmor radius ρi (∼10 cm), the HPD mechanism could not be operative in the funnels, in which ρi is a few millimeters and LB is millions of meters (Singh 2011).

The gravitational potential energy of an Ne7+ ion at the height h = 20 Mm is Wg = MNe gsh = 1.754×10−16 J, where MNe = 3.2×10−26 kg, and gs = 274 m s−2. Overcoming the gravity requires an accelerating electrical potential φg = 1.754×10−17/(7 ×1.6 ×10−19) = 157 V. Thus a mechanism for accelerating the Ne7+ ions detected in Tu et al. (2005) must not only impart a kinetic energy (10 eV) corresponding to the measured drift VNe ≈ 10 km s−1, but it must overcome the gravitational pull also, requiring total electrical potential drop φtot = 157 + 10/7 ≈ 158.4 V.

The large-scale plasma expansion (LASPE) involving H+ as major ions can generate such a potential drop provided the bottom of the funnels in the chromosphe is populated by hot electrons. Funnels are fed with plasma when the magnetic field lines of the magnetic loops reconnect with the open field lines of the funnel (Tu et al. 2005). Such magnetic loops might already contain the hot electrons before the onset of reconnection (Fisk 2003; Gloeckler et al. 2003). Furthermore, kinetic simulations show that the acceleration/heating of electrons naturally occurs in the reconnection process (Singh et al. 2010; Drake et al. 2003; Hoshino et al. 2001), developing an energetic tail in the electron velocity distribution function (EVDF). This generates two electron populations, a cold Maxwellian bulk and a hot tail. When plasmas having such two populations of electrons expand, the ambipolar potential is localized in a DL as established theoretically (Bezzerides et al. 1978) and in lab experiments (Hairapetian & Stenzel 1988, 1991). We discuss here the LASPE in a coronal funnels having the scenarios of both bulk and tail heated electrons. We first highlight the features of LASPE in a diverging flux tube using prior studies on the acceleration of both light and heavy ions in the terrestrial polar wind (Barakat & Schunk 1983, 1984) followed by a discussion on coronal funnels.


During the 1980s it emerged that LASPE with a hot/warm electron population could be an effective mechanism for the ion acceleration in the terrestrial polar wind (Singh & Schunk 1982; Barakat & Schunk 1983, 1984). Barakat & Schunk (1983) modeled the outflow of H+ and O+ ions from an ionospheric boundary at a geocentric distance r = ro = 10.8 Mm = 1.7Re (Re as Earth's radius) to r = 10Re = 63 Mm by increasing the temperature of the bulk ionospheric electrons. They demonstrated that when the nominal ionospheric electron temperature Te = 0.3 eV is enhanced to Te ∼ 1 eV, heavy oxygen ions overcome Earth's gravity and they outflow with a large flux. The Vlasov equations for the ion velocity distribution functions (IVDFs) under the influence of the ambipolar electric fields, mirror force on the ions in the diverging B(r), and gravitational force were solved subject to the prescribed boundary condition on the IVDFs at r = ro. The magnetic field varied with the geocentric distance r as B(r) = B0 (ro/r)3, with Bo being the magnetic field at r = ro. The ambipolar electric field E was calculated assuming that the plasma is quasi-neutral and that the electrons obey the Boltzmann law, n = no exp(eϕ/KTe) with a constant temperature Te. Accordingly, the electric field is given by

Equation (1)

where no is the plasma density at the ionospheric boundary r = ro, where the electrostatic potential φ is zero and K is the Boltzmann constant.

Figures 1(a) and (b) are reproduced from Barakat & Schunk (1983). The parameters used here are Te = 3000 K = 0.28 eV (dashed curves) and Te = 10,000 K = 0.94 eV (solid curves); densities no(H+) = 100 cm− 3, no(O+) = 50 cm− 3, To(H+) = To(O+) = 0.28 eV, and velocities Uo(H+) = 11 km s−1, and Uo(O+) = 0. The electron density at the base is no = no(H+) + no(O+). The subscript "o" refers to the quantities at the bottom of the flux tube at r = ro as specified boundary conditions. Figure 1(a) on the left shows the altitude profile of the ion densities n(H+) and n(O+) while Figure 1(b) on the right shows their drift velocities U(H+) and U(O+) for Te = 0.28 eV and Te = 0.94 eV. The effect of the increase in Te on the outflow of the light H+ ions is not so dramatic, but it is dramatic for the outflow of the heavy O+ ions. For the H+ ions outflow velocity is slightly enhanced while the density is slightly reduced with the increase in Te as expected for the gravitationally unbound light H+ ions. The dramatic effects on the heavy O+ ions are as follows. The outflow velocity increased from 700 m s−1 for Te = 0.28 eV to 4 km s−1 for Te = 0.94 eV at the top boundary. The density of O+ ions at altitudes r > 8 Re reduces to n(O+) < 10−5 cm−3 for Te = 0.28 eV, but with the increased Te = 0.94 eV, n(O+) is increased by several orders of magnitude all over the modeled flux tube reaching n(O+) ∼ 0. 02 cm−3 at the top (r = 10Re). The increased Te enhances the ambipolar electric fields (Equation (1)), which accelerate the heavy ions upward against the gravity.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Features of large-scale plasma expansion in a diverging magnetic flux tube: (a) density and (b) velocity profiles of major H+ and minor O+ ions for Te = 0.3 eV (broken lines) and 0.94 eV (solid lines; Barakat & Schunk 1983).

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In another study Barakat & Schunk (1984) modeled the effects of a minor hot electron population on the outflow of ions, instead of the bulk heated electrons as discussed above. In this model, the densities of the cold (nc) and hot (nh) electrons are given by

Equation (2)

the total electron density ne = nc + nh = ni, the total ion density. It is assumed that φ = 0, when nc = nco, nh = nho and no = nco+ nho at the bottom boundary at r = ro. Tec and Teh are the constant cold and hot electron temperatures, respectively.

Figure 2 shows the essential features of the effects of the minor hot electron population on the outflow of the ionospheric ions. The parameters in the model are the same as for Figure 1 except that the minor hot electron density nho/no = 0.01 and the temperature ratio η = Teh/Tec = 100, giving Teh = 28 eV for Tec = 0.28 eV. The top and bottom panels in the left column of Figure 2 show the altitude profiles of density and flow velocity of the H+ ions, respectively. Like wise the right-hand column shows the profiles for the heavy oxygen ions. Each panel in Figure 2 has two sets of curves; the broken line curves show the expansion with no hot electrons, nho = 0, nco = no, and Tec = 0.28 eV. The solid line curves show the case for nho = 0.01no, Teh = 100 Tec, nec = 0.99no and Tec = 0.28 eV. The noteworthy feature of the solid lines curves are the discontinuities in the altitude profiles at a critical altitude rc. The critical altitude approximately corresponds to where the total ion density in the expansion has decreased to the level of the hot electrons, that is n(r = rc) ≈ nh (r = rc), as expected theoretically (Bezzerides et al. 1978). At the critical altitude the density and flow velocity profiles change discontinuously; the density sharply decreases and ions are suddenly accelerated. The electric potential also changes discontinuously, but not shown in Figure 2. The discontinuous changes in the profiles are attributed to the formation of a DL, which traps the cold electrons and accelerates the ions. In Barakat & Schunk (1984) the spatial resolution was insufficient to resolve the sharp transitions in the profiles and hence the profiles show the discontinuities. Formation of such DLs in expansion of laser plasmas with two-temperature electron populations is well known in plasma physics since the early theoretical work by Bezzerides et al. (1978), which was later verified in laboratory experiments (Hairapetian & Stenzel 1988, 1991) and also by kinetic simulations resolving the DL profile (Singh et al. 2005). The DL forms above a theoretically determined critical temperature of the hot electrons, Teh > (5 + (24)1/2) Tec = 9.9Tec (Bezzerides et al. 1978). The potential drop across the DL scales as φDLTeh/e and, therefore, the ion outflow velocities above the discontinuity approximately scale as UTeh1/2.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Minor hot electrons' effects: the altitude profiles of density (top) and flow velocity (bottom) of H+ ions (left panels) and of heavy O+ ions (right panels) (Barakat & Schunk 1984). Solid and dotted lines show the profiles for the cases with and without the hot electrons, respectively. Note: the discontinuities in the profiles representing formation of a DL, which accelerates the ions upward.

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We suggest that the mechanism for the acceleration of the detected Ne7+ as a tracer for the solar wind acceleration in the coronal funnels (Tu et al. 2005) is a problem similar to the extraction of heavy ions from the terrestrial ionosphere, albeit with much stronger solar gravity. We present here simple analytical calculations to illustrate that the enhanced electron temperature at the bottom of the funnels, footed in the chromospheric magnetic networks, can be instrumental in the origin of the solar wind. The electrons could be either already heated in the reconnecting magnetic loops or they could be heated during the reconnection between the magnetic fields of the funnels and the loops in the chromospheric magnetic networks. The reconnection supplies the plasma from the magnetic loops into the funnel (Peter 2007; Tu et al. 2005; McKenzie et al. 1998).

First, we consider the scenario that the plasma with bulk heated electrons is injected at the bottom of the funnel below a height hB ∼ 5 Mm (Tu et al. 2005). As this plasma expands upward, the accelerated heavy ions with large charge to mass ratio (q/M) are detected at a height hT ∼ 20 Mm. The acceleration of the heavy minor ions occurs in the ambipolar electric field set up by the expansion of the major H+ ions and the hot electrons. We estimate that the electric potential drop associated with the ambipolar electric field in the expansion is

Equation (3)

where nB(BB) and nT(BT) are the plasma densities (B) at the bottom and top of the funnel, respectively. In writing the latter equality in Equation (3), we assume that n varies in proportion to B. We find that this density variation for the H+ ions is approximately obeyed in Figure 1(a) for the polar wind. The acceleration of the ions by the ambipolar electric field is countered by the solar gravity. Thus, the flow velocities Vj of the j type of ions with mass Mj and charge qj at a height h above the photosphere is given by

Equation (4)

From Tu et al. (2005), we find BB/BT ≈ 12. We have gs = 274 ms−2, and for Ne7+ we have MNe = 20 MH, qNe/e = 7. Using (4) we find Te = 63.6 eV, required for producing VNe = 10 km s−1 at h = 20 Mm. With this Te, Equation (4) yields the flow velocity for the major H+ ions VH+ = 123 km s−1.

For Te = 63.6 eV, Equation (3) yields a potential drop φ0 = 158 V over the height from h = 0 to 20 Mm. This potential drop could impart Ne7+ a kinetic energy of 1106 eV. But overcoming the gravity for Ne7+ requires 1096 eV and only 10 eV goes in imparting the ions a velocity of 10 km s−1 as observed in Tu et al. (2005).

Heating of the chromospheric bulk electrons from less than 1 eV to 64 eV at the bottom of the funnels may not occur easily. But it is possible that magnetic reconnection might produce an energetic electron tail in the EVDF as seen in kinetic simulations (Hoshino et al. 2001), creating the two-temperature electron populations below h = 5 Mm. In this scenario, the plasma expansion could create abrupt transition in the ambipolar potential, across which the light and heavy ions are accelerated, like in Figure 2 for the polar wind. The potential drop across the DL is approximately φDLTeh e−1 (Bezzerides et al. 1978). Since the total ambipolar potential drop required to extract Ne7+ ions with velocity VNe = 10 km s−1 at h = 20 Mm is φ = 158.4 V as calculated earlier, the required temperature for the electron tail is Teh = 158.6 eV, which is larger than that for the bulk heating by a factor ln(BB/BT) = 2.48. Since the production of the observed neon ions need energetic electrons having Te > 60 eV, the observation strongly suggests the presence of such a hot electron population. Thus, the required ratio Teh/Tec > 10 for DL formation can be easily met when the cold electron temperature in the chromosphere Tec < 1 eV at the funnel bottom. The height of the DL formation strongly depends on the hot to cold electron density ratio; the smaller neh/no the farther the DL moves away from the funnel bottom (Hairapetian & Stenzel 1992). For the extraction of sufficient heavy ion flux, the DL must form closer to the bottom, requiring a significant fraction of electrons be heated by the reconnection.


Our main conclusions are summarized here. (1) We suggested that the LASPE with hot electrons at the bottom of the coronal funnels could facilitate the origination of the solar wind as reported in Tu et al. (2005). We discussed here the acceleration of Ne7+ ions to the observed flow velocity 10 km s−1 at a height h = 20 Mm. (2) We discussed two scenarios for the LASPE involving (a) bulk heated electrons to temperatures Te > 64 eV and (b) a small fraction of electrons forming energetic tail to the EVDF with Teh > 158.4 eV. In the former case the φ(r) drops continuously along the length of the funnel while in the latter case with the two electron populations, a cold and a hot, φ (r) drops discontinuously forming a DL. The potential drop across the DL is KTeh/e. (3) Most of the energy gained in the potential drops, in either case, is spent in encountering the solar gravity. (4) The mechanism for the ion acceleration involving CFDLs found in laboratory HPD with LB ∼ ρi (Boswell et al. 2006) is not likely to be operative in the solar wind where LB ≫ ρi (Singh 2011). (5) The electron temperatures found for the acceleration of Ne7+ ions (Tu et al. 2005) is consistent with the large electron energies (> 60 eV) required to produce the ions in the chromosphere.

Since the funnels are byproducts of the magnetic reconnection in the chromospheric magnetic networks (Tu et al. 2005), the heating/acceleration of electrons to 60–160 eV is not beyond expectations (Fisk 2003; Gloeckler et al. 2003; McKenzie et al. 1998). It is well known that the formation of current sheets and magnetic reconnection could significantly heat/accelerate the electrons, forming energetic tail to the EVDF (Hoshino et al. 2001; Drake et al. 2003; Singh et al. 2010).

The outflow of solar wind from the chromosphere has been studied extensively using sophisticated modeling (e.g., see Cranmer et al. 2010); in these models the outflow is powered by wave pressure or plasma heating by waves. In contrast, in our calculations the outflow is driven by hot electrons contained in the chromospheric loops (Gloeckler et al. 2003; Fisk 2003) or produced by the reconnection between the funnel and magnetic loops. Our model is based on simple physics (Barakat & Schunk 1983, 1984) and it seems to explain the observation of Tu et al. (2005) on the acceleration of Ne7+, provided that the enhanced electron temperature is Te > 64 eV for the bulk heated electrons or Te > 160 eV for the tail of the EVDF at the foot of the coronal funnel. Such electron temperatures are also needed for the production of the neon ions.

We presented here analytical estimates of the electron temperatures needed for the solar wind reported in Tu et al. (2005). A rigorous multi-fluid model of the LASPE including the effects of collisions, heat conduction, and radiative cooling is needed to rigorously develop the ideas presented in this paper.

This work was supported by the NSF grant ATM 0647157 and by the US Air Force Office for Scientific Research. Author acknowledges fruitful discussions with John Jasperse and Bamandas Basu.

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