Comment The following article is Open access

Comment on 'Revisiting the probe and enclosure methods'

Published 17 November 2023 © 2023 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Mourad Sini 2023 Inverse Problems 39 128001 DOI 10.1088/1361-6420/ad0c41



In the recent manuscript (Ikehata 2022 Inverse Problems38 075009), the author made some comments on our previous work (Sini and Yoshida 2012 Inverse Problems28 055013) saying that few arguments in the proof of lemma 3.5 might be incomplete for $C^{0, 1}$-regular domains. In this note, we reply to his comments by showing that, for C1-regular domains, those arguments are correct.

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Let $v(x, \tau, t): = e^{-\tau(t-x\cdot\rho)+i \sqrt{\tau^2+k^2} x \cdot \rho^{\perp}}$, where ρ is a unit vector, with $\rho\cdot \rho^{\perp} = 0$, and τ and t are two positive parameters. The enclosure method is a reconstruction scheme proposed, two decades ago, by Ikehata to reconstruct (geometrical features of) interfaces from remote measurements using v as a test function (and eventually other test functions). In the case where the mathematical model has a lower order term (i.e. of Helmholtz type), some extra conditions were needed to justify this method. In [1], an approach was proposed to remove these extra conditions. It is based on appropriate a priori estimates that control the lower order terms to deal with the lack of positivity. In a recent manuscript, see [2], section 4, the author made some comments saying that the justification of the estimates in lemma 3.5 of [1], see the estimates (1) and (2) below, might not be complete. The object of this note is to clarify this issue. To go straight to the point, we consider only the critical value of the parameter t: $t = h_D(\rho)$ where $h_D(\rho): = \sup_{x\in D}x\cdot\rho$ and use the notation $v(x, \tau): = v(x, \tau, h_D(\rho))$ (as in lemma 3.5 of [1]).

Let D be a bounded and Lipschitz regular domain in $\mathbb{R}^3$. Following the notations in [1], section 3.2, we introduce the sets $D_{j,\delta} \subset D$, $D_\delta \subset D$ as follows. For any $\alpha \in \partial D \cap \{x \cdot \rho = h_D(\rho)\} = : K$, define $B(\alpha, \delta) : = \{x \in \mathbb{R}^3 ; \vert x -\alpha\vert \lt \delta\} (\delta \gt 0)$. Then, $K \subset \cup_{\alpha \in K} B(\alpha, \delta)$. Since K is compact, there exists $\{\alpha_1,\ldots ,\alpha_N \} \subset K$ such that $K \subset B(\alpha_1,\delta) \cup \cdot \cdot \cdot\cup B(\alpha_N,\delta)$. Then, we define $D_{j,\delta} : = D \cap B(\alpha_j, \delta)$ and $D_\delta : = \cup^N_{j = 1} D_{j,\delta}$. We have $ \int_{D \setminus D_\delta} \vert v(x, \tau)\vert^p dx = \int_{D \setminus D_\delta} e^{-p\tau (h_D(\rho)-x \cdot \rho )} dx = O(e^{-pc\tau} ),\; (\tau \rightarrow \infty).$

Assume now that D is of class C1, therefore $\partial D$ has a well defined (exterior) unit normal vector field $\nu(\cdot)$. The plane $\{x \cdot \rho = h_D(\rho)\}$ intersects $\partial D$, at the points αj 's, with ρ as a normal vector to it. Then $\nu(\alpha_j)$ and ρ are parallel, see below, namely $\nu(\alpha_j) = -\rho$ taking into account the orientation of the normal with respect to D. After the translation, of αj to the origin, and the rotation, taking $\nu(\alpha_j)$ to $e_3: = (0, 0, 1)$, $D_{j, \delta}$ takes the form, with δ smaller if needed, $\{(y_1, y_2, y_3); y_1^2+y_2^2 \lt\delta^2 \mbox{and } l_j(y_1, y_2)\lt y_3\lt\delta\}$ with lj as a local representation of $\partial D$ near αj . Using these transformations and the property $\nu(\alpha_j) = -\rho$, we obtain

and then, with appropriate positive constants $C_{up}, c_{up}, C_{low}$ and clow , we have

Equation (1)


Equation (2)

The estimates (1) and (2) are the ones in lemma 3.5 in [1]. The corresponding estimates for $\nabla v$ are deduced from the relation $\vert \nabla v\vert = \sqrt{2 \tau^2+\kappa^2} \vert v\vert$.

Let us now show why $\nu(\alpha_j)$ and ρ are parallel. Recall that, after translation and rotation, $\partial D$ is represented, near αj , as $\{(y_1, y_2, l_{j}(y_1, y_2))\}$ with lj of class C1 and $l_j(0, 0) = \partial_{y_1} l_{j} (0, 0) = \partial_{y_2}l_{j} (0, 0) = 0$. Accordingly, the plane $ \{x \cdot \rho = h_D(\rho)\}$ becomes, after translation and rotation, $ \{y \cdot R \rho = 0\}$ where R is the rotating matrix. We set $b = (b_1, b_2, b_3): = R\rho$ and $f_j(y_1, y_2): = (y_1, y_2, l_{j}(y_1, y_2))\cdot b$. This is a C1-regular function and it reaches its maximum, 0, at $(y_1. y_2) = (0, 0)$ (as $\alpha_j\cdot \rho = h_D(\rho)$). Therefore $(\nabla f_j)(0, 0) = 0$. This implies that $b_1 = b_2 = 0$ as $\partial_{y_1} l_{j} (0, 0) = \partial_{y_2}l_{j} (0, 0) = 0$, hence $R\rho$ is parallel to $e_3: = (0, 0, 1)$, i.e. ρ is parallel to $R^T e_3 = \nu(\alpha_j)$.

As we can see, the arguments in [1] to prove (1) and (2) are enough for a C1-regular domain D. The analysis above is shown for a complex geometrical optics solution with a linear phase v. It applies the same way to the other complex geometrical optics (CGOs) as well (with logarithmic phase for instance) as the one used in [1]. In addition, the CGOs with linear phase used in electromagnetism and elasticity have a similar form as the one considered here. Therefore, the results in [1] and also the ones derived later for other models including the electromagnetism and elasticity are correct for a C1-regular domain D.

Finally, we mention that in [2] the $C^{1, 1}$-regularity of the domain is required to justify this method.

Data availability statement

The data cannot be made publicly available upon publication because no suitable repository exists for hosting data in this field of study. The data that support the findings of this study are available upon reasonable request from the authors.

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