Special issue on 'Transport in B-fields in low-temperature plasmas'


Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Rod Boswell and Igor D Kaganovich 2013 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 22 030401 DOI 10.1088/0963-0252/22/030401



Plasma Sources Science and Technology is delighted to announce a forthcoming special issue on 'Transport in B-fields in low-temperature plasmas', to appear in the summer of 2014, and invites you to submit a paper. The diffusion of plasma across magnetic fields is the most important area of research in plasma physics. It encompasses the behaviour of compact astrophysical objects, loops and eruptions on the surface of our Sun, the basic behaviour of magnetic fusion experiments, plasma thrusters for space applications, and the production of negative ion beams for secondary ion mass spectroscopy. This special issue welcomes contributions in all of these areas, in modelling, basic theory, experiments and application.

You are invited to submit your paper by 1 September 2013. Submissions received after this date will be considered for the journal, but may not be included in the special issue. All submitted papers will be fully refereed to the journal's usual high standards and corresponding authors whose papers are published in the special issue will receive a complimentary copy. Upon publication, the issue will be widely promoted to the low-temperature physics community, ensuring that your work receives maximum visibility.

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