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An extended L-curve method for choosing a regularization parameter in electrical resistance tomography

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Published 20 September 2016 © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Imaging Systems and Techniques 2015 Citation Yanbin Xu et al 2016 Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 114002 DOI 10.1088/0957-0233/27/11/114002



The L-curve method is a popular regularization parameter choice method for the ill-posed inverse problem of electrical resistance tomography (ERT). However the method cannot always determine a proper parameter for all situations. An investigation into those situations where the L-curve method failed show that a new corner point appears on the L-curve and the parameter corresponding to the new corner point can obtain a satisfactory reconstructed solution. Thus an extended L-curve method, which determines the regularization parameter associated with either global corner or the new corner, is proposed. Furthermore, two strategies are provided to determine the new corner–one is based on the second-order differential of L-curve, and the other is based on the curvature of L-curve. The proposed method is examined by both numerical simulations and experimental tests. And the results indicate that the extended method can handle the parameter choice problem even in the case where the typical L-curve method fails. Finally, in order to reduce the running time of the method, the extended method is combined with a projection method based on the Krylov subspace, which was able to boost the extended L-curve method. The results verify that the speed of the extended L-curve method is distinctly improved. The proposed method extends the application of the L-curve in the field of choosing regularization parameter with an acceptable running time and can also be used in other kinds of tomography.

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1. Introduction

Electrical resistance tomography (ERT), with the merits of high speed, non-radiation, non-invasion and low cost, has been applied in industrial process detection [1, 2], geophysical surveying [3], and so on. The inverse problem of ERT, reconstructing an unknown conductivity distribution from boundary voltage measurements, is severely ill-posed. Regularization methods [411] are approximate methods to overcome the ill-posed nature of the inverse problem, especially the most well-known Tikhonov regularization method [68], and they are always understood as parameter-dependent methods with a regularization parameter determining the amount of regularization. A proper choice of regularization parameter is very crucial for the regularization method. If the parameter is too large, the regularization method will result in an over-regularized solution and the residual of the solution will be too large; on the contrary, if the parameter is too small, the impact of the regularization will be tiny, so that the solution continues being instable. That is to say, the regularization parameter determines whether the method is successful to solve the inverse problem in some degree.

The L-curve method was suggested early on by Lawson and Hanson [12], and then applied to the inverse problem by Hansen [13, 14]. The L-curve method, as one of the most popular methods to choose the regularization parameter, uses a curve corner which is always called as global corner to compute the regularization parameter [15].

Researches on the L-curve method for the inverse problem can be summarized into three aspects: one is some intuitive analysis or theoretical justification about the existence and the convergence of the curve [13, 14]; another is how to compute the global corner automatically to determine the proper regularization parameter for the inverse problem [1519]; the last is about variants of L-curve to determine a proper regularization parameter in a new point of view [20, 21].

However, the L-curve method for regularization parameter choice is commonly referred to as heuristic, because it may fail to provide an effective regularization parameter for the inverse problems in certain situations. It has been remarked that the L-curve method may not guarantee a good choice of the parameter [8] in spite of the good performance of the method indicated from [16] for finite noise levels. References [2224] demonstrated the limitation of the L-curve method and pointed out that it was not a convergent method as the noise level tended to zero.

The motivation here is to overcome the difficulties mentioned above and to extend the application of L-curve method in choosing a regularization parameter for the inverse problem of ERT. Therefore, most attention is paid to the situations where the L-curve method cannot provide a proper parameter for ERT and the convexity properties of the curve is applied to provide some support. Finally, an extended L-curve method is proposed to implement the image reconstruction of ERT efficiently, no matter whether the traditional L-curve method can succeed or not. And moreover, a projection method based on the Krylov subspace is added to the extended method to reduce the running time of the method.

The mathematical model of ERT is expressed in section 2. Methods including Tikhonov regularization method, the traditional L-curve method, the extended L-curve method, the projection method based on Krylov subspace are all discussed in section 3. Specifically, the strategies to implement the extended method and the fast extended L-curve method are described in detail in section 3. And then numerical simulations and experimental tests are carried out respectively in section 4 for both the extended method and the fast extended method. At last, the conclusions are provided in section 5.

2. Mathematical model of ERT

The mathematical model of ERT is based on Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and it can be constructed as

Equation (1)

where $\nabla $ stands for the gradient operator, $\sigma $ and $\phi $ are the conductivity distribution and electric potential distribution in the measured field respectively. The Neumann boundary condition of ERT can be expressed as

Equation (2)

where $\vec{n}$ is outward unit normal to the boundary, $J$ is the injected current density. Then the relationship between the conductivity distribution and boundary voltage measurements can be described as a nonlinear equation:

Equation (3)

where $\varphi $ is the boundary voltage measurements. If the changes of conductivity are small, equation (3) can be linearized by Taylor expansion:

Equation (4)

Set $b= \Delta \varphi $ , $A=\frac{\text{d}f(\sigma ;J)}{\text{d}\sigma}{{|}_{\sigma ={{\sigma}_{0}}}}$ and $x= \Delta \sigma $ , then equation (4) can be represented as:

Equation (5)

where $b\in {{R}^{m\times 1}}$ corresponds to the changes of boundary voltage measurements, $A\in {{R}^{m\times n}}$ corresponds to the Jacobian matrix, $x\in {{R}^{n\times 1}}$ corresponds to the changes of conductivity, $m$ and $n$ are the number of boundary voltage measurements and the pixels in the reconstructed field, respectively.

The Jacobian matrix $A$ can be calculated using a sensitivity method based on Geselowitz's sensitivity theorem [26]

Equation (6)

where ${{A}_{ij}}$ is the element at the $i\text{th}$ row and $j\text{th}$ column of Jacobian matrix, ${{\phi}_{i}}$ is the potential for the $i\text{th}$ drive electrode pair with current ${{I}_{i}}$ , ${{\phi}_{j}}$ is the potential when current ${{I}_{j}}$ is applied to the $j\text{th}$ electrode pair.

3. Methods

3.1. Tikhonov regularization

To deal with the ill-posedness of the inverse problem in ERT, Tikhonov regularization has been widely used [68]. The method replaces the original ill-posed problem by a minimization problem whose general form is

Equation (7)

where $\lambda $ is a positive parameter called the regularization parameter, $L$ is chosen to incorporate desirable properties on the solution such as smoothness, ${{x}_{0}}$ is the estimated solution according to some prior information. Here and below $\|\centerdot \|$ denotes the Euclidean norm.

In general, choosing ${{x}_{0}}$ as zero and $L$ as an identity matrix gives a standard Tikhonov regularization form:

Equation (8)

The solution of (8) under the regularization parameter $\lambda $ can be expressed as:

Equation (9)

The effect of $\lambda I$ makes the inverse of ${{A}^{T}}A+\lambda I$ exists [4].

We decompose the matrix $A$ by the means of singular value decomposition (SVD) to give a further survey to the solution.

Equation (10)

where $ \Sigma \in {{R}^{n\times n}}$ is a diagonal matrix with the singular values, satisfying: $ \Sigma =\text{diag}\left({{s}_{1}}\cdots {{s}_{n}}\right),{{s}_{1}}\geqslant {{s}_{2}}\geqslant \cdots \geqslant {{s}_{n}}\geqslant 0$ and the matrices $U\in {{R}^{m\times n}}$ and $V\in {{R}^{\text{n}\times \text{n}}}$ consist of left and right singular vectors $U=\left({{u}_{1}}\cdots {{u}_{n}}\right),\,V=\left({{v}_{1}}\cdots {{v}_{n}}\right)$ .

The solution of equation (9) can now be written as

Equation (11)

where ${{f}_{i}}=\frac{s_{i}^{2}}{s_{i}^{2}+\lambda},i=1\cdots n$ is called filter factor.

3.2. L-curve method

No matter which regularization method is used to solve the inverse problem, regularization parameter should be chosen properly so that the method can work sucessfully. The regularization parameter controls the degree of smoothing or regularization applied to the problem. A well-known method to choose the regularization parameter is L-curve method [1216].

The L-curve method chooses the parameter corresponding to a corner of the plot (always in log–log scale) which is constructed by the norm of regularized solution $\|{{x}_{\lambda}}\|_{2}^{{}}$ and the norm of corresponding residual $\|A{{x}_{\lambda}}-b\|_{2}^{{}}$ . The corner for determining the regularization parameter traditionally is called the global corner. The norm of regularization solution and corresponding residual can be calculated as

Equation (12)

Equation (13)

A standard L-curve with its corner is demonstrated in figure 1. However the L-curve method sometimes cannot provide a proper parameter to solve the inverse problem even using the parameter associated with the global corner correctly [8, 2224].

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Standard L-curve and its global corner (in log–log scale).

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3.3. Extended L-curve method

3.3.1. Simulation example of ERT.

A simulation example where the L-curve method fails to select the proper regularization parameter for ERT is given here for analysis. The example is built in COMSOL (a multi-physical software) and MATLAB. The reconstructed field is a circle region with 16 electrodes around equally (see in figure 2). The parameters of the field, electrodes and object are listed in table 1.

Table 1. Parameters of reconstructed field and electrodes.

Field Electrodes Object
Radius Conductivity Length Thickness Material Radius Location Conductivity
5 cm 1 S m−1 10 mm 3 mm Titanium 15 mm (0,0.035) 2 S m−1
Figure 2.

Figure 2. Reconstructed field and the electrodes around.

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The true distribution and the reconstructed image obtained from L-curve method based on Tikhonov regularization are displayed in figure 3. The result indicates that it fails to get the reasonable distribution information using a typical L-curve method selecting regularization parameter.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Example of ERT (a) true distribution (b) reconstructed image using L-curve method.

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3.3.2. Analysis of the example.

The convexity property of the L-curve [25] is introduced in order to check when and why the typical L-curve method breaks down for inverse problem of ERT.

According to the convexity properties of L-curve, define ${{\theta}_{1}}(\lambda )=\frac{\|A{{x}_{\lambda}}-b{{\|}_{2}}}{\|{{x}_{\lambda}}{{\|}_{2}}}$ , then if and only if all $\lambda $ in a vicinity hold the condition:

Equation (14)

the L-curve is convex in the vicinity. Let $\chi (\lambda )={{\theta}_{1}}(\lambda )/\lambda $ and $C(\lambda )=\theta _{1}^{\prime}(\lambda )-\chi (\lambda )$ , then the L-curve is concave or convex in the vicinity depending on whether the sign of $C(\lambda )$ is either positive or negative.

The L-curve and associated $z=\chi (\lambda )$ , $z=\theta _{1}^{\prime}(\lambda )$ and $C(\lambda )$ for the example mentioned above, are depicted in figure 4. It can be seen that the sign of $C(\lambda )$ is first positive, then negative, again positive, again negative, and finally positive along the whole definition domain, which means the convexity of the L-curve is changed. Every time the curve turns to convex from concave, a convex corner will appear. Thus two convex corners appear on the curve of the example–one is the global corner traditionally used for the L-curve method to determine the regularization parameter and the other is a new corner. The situation where there exist several convex local corners may cause the failure of the L-curve method in determining a proper regularization parameter for ERT.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. L-curve (left) and the curves $z=\chi (\lambda )$ , $z=\theta _{1}^{\prime}(\lambda )$ and $C(\lambda )$ (right) of the example.

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The quantitative analysis on criteria used for evaluating the method is discussed. These evaluation criteria are called relative error and correlation coefficient, which can be computed as [4]

Equation (15)

Equation (16)

where $x\in {{R}^{n\times 1}}$ is the true conductivity distribution of the model, $\hat{x}\in {{R}^{n\times 1}}$ is the reconstructed distribution, ${{x}_{i}}$ and ${{\hat{x}}_{i}}$ are $i\text{th}$ elements of $x$ and $\hat{x}$ respectively, $\bar{x}$ and $\overline{{\hat{x}}}$ are the mean values of $x$ and $\hat{x}$ , respectively. The smaller the relative error and the larger the correlation coefficient are, the better reconstructed image can be achieved.

For the example mentioned above, the relationship between regularization parameters and corresponding relative errors in semi-log coordinate is displayed in figure 5 (left). It has been found that there is a reasonable range of parameters, which is marked in the red box, with acceptable small relative errors. The right plot of the figure 5 presents the L-curve in which the reasonable range has also been marked in the red box corresponding to the one in the left. And then an inspiring conclusion can be obtained from figure 5 that the new corner point locates in the reasonable range of parameters. This provides a new guidance for modifying the L-curve method to choose an effective parameter. Thus an extended L-curve method is proposed by determining the regularization parameter associated with either global corner or the new corner.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Left: relative errors under different parameters; Right: the corresponding range of parameters on L-curve.

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3.3.3. Realization of the extended method.

Simulation results show when the typical L-curve method fails the regularization parameter corresponding to the global corner is smaller than the regularization parameter corresponding to the new corner and when the typical L-curve method works well the regularization parameter corresponding to the global corner is larger than the regularization parameter corresponding to the new corner. So in the global algorithm the larger one between the regularization parameters corresponding to the global corner and the new corner is chosen as the final parameter.

The global algorithm for the extended method of the choosing regularization parameter in ERT can be summarized as follows:

 Require:$A$ ,$b$ ;
 Initialize:${{x}^{0}}=0$ ;
 Determine the regularization parameter:
 Compute a series of solution norm and residual norm under different value of regularization parameters
 Compute the parameters corresponding to both global corner and new corner,
 Select the larger one between the two as the final parameter;
 Calculate the solution using Tikhonov regularization with the parameter determined;

Two strategies are put forward to determine the new corner point and further the extended method can be implemented. Strategy using the second-order differential of L-curve.

Since there is a sudden change of the second-order differential at the corner of L-curve, a strategy based on the second-order differential of L-curve is proposed to determine the new corner.

As the L-curve is often displayed in log–log coordinate, the second-order differential of the L-curve can be computed as

Equation (17)

where $\hat{\rho}=\log \left(||A{{x}_{\lambda}}-b||_{2}^{2}\right)$ and $\hat{\xi}=\log \left(||{{x}_{\lambda}}||_{2}^{2}\right)$ . Then the new corner point can be found according to the second largest peak of the second-order differential while the largest peak of the second-order differential refers to the global corner, as seen in figure 6 (left).

Figure 6.

Figure 6. The second-order differential (left) and the curvature (right) of L-curve.

Standard image High-resolution image Strategy using the curvature of L-curve.

This strategy uses the curvature of L-curve and selects the new corner at the point with the second largest peak of curvature. The curvature of the L-curve can be computed as

Equation (18)

Figure 6 (right) shows the relationship between regularization parameter and curvature of L-curve.

3.4. Extended L-curve method with Krylov subspace

Solving the inverse problem of ERT by the extended L-curve method is a very time-consuming process. To reduce the running time, a projection method based on Krylov subspace is added to the extended L-curve method.

The Krylov subspace is defined as:

Equation (19)

where $k$ is the dimension of the subspace. The subspace contains important information on the inverse problem, and omits the useless information like noise. Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm is utilized to realize the orthonormal decomposition of ${{K}_{k}}$ and achieve the orthonormal subspace ${{W}_{k}}$ [27]. The algorithm constructs a bidiagonal matrix ${{B}_{k}}\in {{R}^{(k+1)\times k}}$ and two orthogonal matrices ${{\bar{V}}_{k}}\in {{R}^{n\times k}}$ and ${{\bar{U}}_{k+1}}\in {{R}^{m\times (k+1)}}$ . ${{\bar{V}}_{k}}$ and ${{\bar{U}}_{k+1}}$ form the bases of the Krylov subspace ${{K}_{k}}\left({{A}^{T}}A,{{A}^{T}}b\right)$ and ${{K}_{k+1}}\left(A{{A}^{T}},b\right)$ , respectively. They hold the relationship like:

Equation (20)

Then the objective function of Tikhonv regularization equation (8) can be reformed as:

Equation (21)

Equation (22)

Let ${{W}_{k}}={{\bar{V}}_{k}}$ , and the equation (22) can be further reformulated as

Equation (23)

The alternative form of the function is:

Equation (24)

The extended L-curve method with Krylov subspace takes three steps to solve the inverse problem of ERT: firstly, project the inverse problem into a subspace; secondly, solve the projected problem by the extended L-method; thirdly, perform the inverse projection transformation to the solution in order to get the real one.

4. Numerical simulations and experimental tests

In order to verify the feasibility of the extended L-curve method, and the rapidity of the extended L-curve method with Krylov subspace, both numerical simulations and experimental tests are carried out.

4.1. Numerical simulations

The L-curve with its global and new corners for the example mentioned above is displayed in figure 7, and two strategies of the second-order differential and the curvature are used. The reconstructed results are shown in figure 8, while relative error and correlation coefficient are illuminated in figure 9.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. L-curve with its corner of the example.

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Figure 8.

Figure 8. Reconstructed images using extended L-curve method.

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Figure 9.

Figure 9. Relative error and correlation coefficient of the example.

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It can be seen from figures 7 and 8 that typical the L-curve method delivers a regularization parameter associated with the sharper L-corner of the maximum curvature and yields an unsatisfactory solution corresponding to a small regularization parameter for the example of ERT. From figure 7, the parameter computed by the strategy of second-order differential is similar to the one computed by the strategy of curvature, and both of them locate just near the new corner. The results in figures 8 and 9 show that the extended L-curve method selecting regularization parameter associated with the new corner obtains an effective solution for the inverse problem and achieves a satisfactory image for the reconstructed field. The most important is that it can fix the problem in which the traditional L-curve method fails and can extend the application of the L-curve.

To further verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, more simulation models are constructed. The conductivity of the objects is 2 S m−1. Figures 10 and 11 exhibit the true distributions, reconstructed images for simple models and complex models.

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Reconstructed images of extended L-curve method for simple models.

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Figure 11.

Figure 11. Reconstructed images of extended L-curve method for complex models.

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For these models, the traditional L-curve method may fail to reconstruct image, but the extended method with any of these two strategies can reconstruct the distributions effectively. Especially, in dealing with the complex models in figure 11, the extended method achieves a very attractive performance.

Choose Model 1 and Model 8 to analyse the convexity and the corners of the L-curves. Figure 12 displays the curves $z=\chi (\lambda )$ and $z=\theta _{1}^{\prime}(\lambda )$ (left) and the L-curves (right) of the two models. The values of $z=\chi (\lambda )$ and $z=\theta _{1}^{\prime}(\lambda )$ demonstrate that the L-curve changes its convexity in the whole definition domain and this will lead to two corners appearing on L-curves (which be seen in the right). This means that in the situations where the traditional L-curve method fail to reconstruct the distribution, two corners can be found in the L-curve and the parameter corresponding to the new corner can work out a satisfactory result.

Figure 12.

Figure 12. Convexity and L-curve for Model 1 and Model 8.

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Comparing the two strategies for computing the new corner, even though both of them can realize the image reconstruction of ERT with high quality, the strategy of curvature outperforms the strategy of differential sometimes.

These models are also used to verify the extended L-curve method with Kryolv subspace. The imaging results and the corresponding evaluation criteria are shown in figures 13 and 14, respectively. Figure 13 shows the extended L-curve method with Krylov subspace can achieve almost the same good reconstructed results as the extended L-curve method without Krylov subspace. And the conclusion is further confirmed by the relative errors demonstrated in figure 14. Comparison between the running time for these two methods (shown in figure 14) fully prove the extended L-curve method with Kryolv subspace improves the speed of the extended method and reduces the computational time. In conclusion, the extended L-curve method with Kryolv subspace can effectively reconstruct the distribution for ERT in a much shorter time without losing the accuracy.

Figure 13.

Figure 13. Reconstructed images of the extended L-curve method with and without Kryolv subspace.

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Figure 14.

Figure 14. Evaluation criteria of the extended L-curve method with and without Kryolv subspace.

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4.2. Experimental tests

To verify the practical use of the extended L-curve method, some static experiments are carried out with an ERT system previously developed by Tianjin University [28]. The schematic diagram of the system is shown in figure 15. The parameters of the system are listed in table 2. Four experimental models are constructed and the parameters of the models are listed in table 3.

Table 2. Parameters of the system.

Electrodes Material Titanium
Shape Square
Size $20\times 10\times 1$ mm
Pipeline Material Perspex
Inner diameter 186 mm
Outer diameter 200 mm
Objects Material Perspex
Shape Rod

Table 3. Parameters of the practical models.

  Number Shape Location (center) Size (mm)
Model 1 1 Circle (−1/2r,0) Radius  =  30
Model 2 2 Circle (−1/2r,0),(1/2r,0) Radius  =  20
Model 3 3 Circle (0,1/2r),(−1/2r, −1/2r),(1/2r, −1/2r) Radius  =  20
Model 4 4 Circle (−1/2r,1/2r),(1/2r,1/2r) Radius  =  20
(−1/2r, −1/2r),(1/2r, −1/2r) Radius  =  30
Figure 15.

Figure 15. The schematic diagram of the practical system.

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Experimental results are given in figure 16. The results demonstrate that the extended L-curve method can achieve effective reconstructed images. The evaluation criteria for experimental data are given in figure 17. The relative errors are small while the correlation coefficients are large, what's more, the value of both the two criteria are similar for the extended method with or without Krylov subspace. From the running time, it can be seen that the method with Krylov subspace improves the speed of the computation. In general, the extended method performs well in dealing with experimental data from practical system. And, combined with Krylov subspace, the method can not only achieve effective reconstruction, but also save the running time at the same time.

Figure 16.

Figure 16. Reconstructed images from experimental data.

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Figure 17.

Figure 17. Evaluation criteria from experimental data.

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5. Conclusion

The choice of an appropriate regularization parameter is an important issue in regularization methods. The objective of this paper is to deal with the situations in which L-curve method may fail to select a proper regularization parameter for the Tikhonov regularization method to solve the inverse problem of ERT. Through the analysis of the convexity of L-curve and quantitative analysis of the evaluation criteria of the reconstructed images, it has been found that the typical L-curve method will deliver an unsatisfactory solution corresponding to a too small regularization parameter in cases where the L-curve displays several convex corners, and at the same time a new corner point appears on the L-curve and the parameter corresponding to the new corner point can obtain a better reconstructed solution than the traditional one corresponding to the global corner point.

The extended L-curve method, which determines the regularization parameter associated with either global corner or the new corner, is proposed. Two strategies are utilized to determine the new corner—one is based on the second-order differential of L-curve and another is based on the curvature of L-curve. The effectiveness of the extended method is verified by both simulations and experiments. And the results indicate that the extended method can handle the parameter choice problem even in the case where the typical L-curve method fails. What's more, a projection method based on Krylov subspace is combined with the extended L-curve method and it is turned out to be able to boost the extended L-curve method. The proposed method extends the application of L-curve in the field of choosing regularization parameter with an acceptable running time. This method can also be considered to be used in other kinds of tomography.


The authors appreciate the support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61227006 & No. 61302122), the Special-Funded Programme on National Key Scientific Instruments and Equipment Development of China (No. 2011YQ120048-01) and National Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (No. 16JCYBJC18600).

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