Representations of the q-deformed algebra Uq(iso2)

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, , Citation M Havlícek et al 1999 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32 4681 DOI 10.1088/0305-4470/32/25/310



An algebra homomorphism from the q-deformed algebra Uq(iso2) with generating elements I, T1, T2 and defining relations [I,T2]q = T1, [T1,I]q = T2, [T2,T1]q = 0 (where [A,B]q = q1/2AB-q-1/2BA) to the extension Ûq(m2) of the Hopf algebra Uq(m2) is constructed. The algebra Uq(iso2) at q = 1 leads to the Lie algebra iso2~m2 of the group ISO(2) of motions of the Euclidean plane. The Hopf algebra Uq(m2) (which is not isomorphic to Uq(iso2)) is treated as a Hopf q-deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of iso2 and is well known in the literature.

Not all irreducible representations of Uq(m2) can be extended to representations of the extension Ûq(m2). Composing the homomorphism with irreducible representations of Ûq(m2) we obtain representations of Uq(iso2). Not all of these representations of Uq(iso2) are irreducible. The reducible representations of Uq(iso2) are decomposed into irreducible components. In this way we obtain all irreducible representations of Uq(iso2) when q is not a root of unity. A part of these representations turns into irreducible representations of the Lie algebra iso2 when q1. Representations of the other part have no classical analogue.

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