Radiation Damage in bcc Metal Nb Studied by Perturbed Angular Correlation and Positron Annihilation Techniques

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Zhu Shengyun et al 1992 Chinese Phys. Lett. 9 656 DOI 10.1088/0256-307X/9/12/009



The radiation damage induced by the reactor neutrons in body-centered-cubic metal Nb is simulated by the 81 MeV carbon irradiation to a total dose of 2.5×1016 /cm2. The created radiation damage and its thermal annealing behavior are studied by positron annihilation and perturbed angular correlation techniques. The results show the existence of both mono- and di-vacancies in Nb after the irradiation. Most of the defects caused by the radiation damage disappear after annealing around 960 K. The radiation damage is completely annealed at 1058 K.

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