Cosmological perturbation theory using the FFTLog: formalism and connection to QFT loop integrals

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Published 9 April 2018 © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab
, , Citation Marko Simonović et al JCAP04(2018)030 DOI 10.1088/1475-7516/2018/04/030



We present a new method for calculating loops in cosmological perturbation theory. This method is based on approximating a ΛCDM-like cosmology as a finite sum of complex power-law universes. The decomposition is naturally achieved using an FFTLog algorithm. For power-law cosmologies, all loop integrals are formally equivalent to loop integrals of massless quantum field theory. These integrals have analytic solutions in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions. We provide explicit formulae for the one-loop and the two-loop power spectrum and the one-loop bispectrum. A chief advantage of our approach is that the difficult part of the calculation is cosmology independent, need be done only once, and can be recycled for any relevant predictions. Evaluation of standard loop diagrams then boils down to a simple matrix multiplication. We demonstrate the promise of this method for applications to higher multiplicity/loop correlation functions.

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