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First-principles-based calculation of branching ratio for 5d, 4d, and 3dtransition metal systems

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Published 18 March 2020 © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Do Hoon Kiem et al 2020 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32 245501 DOI 10.1088/1361-648X/ab786f



A new first-principles computation scheme to calculate 'branching ratio' has been applied to various 5d, 4d, and 3d transition metal elements and compounds. This recently suggested method is based on a theory which assumes the atomic core hole interacts barely with valence electrons. While it provides an efficient way to calculate the experimentally measurable quantity without generating spectrum itself, its reliability and applicability should be carefully examined especially for the light transition metal systems. Here we select 36 different materials and compare the calculation results with experimental data. It is found that our scheme well describes 5d and 4d transition metal systems whereas, for 3d materials, the difference between the calculation and experiment is quite significant. It is attributed to the neglect of core–valence interaction whose energy scale is comparable with the spin–orbit coupling of core p orbitals.

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1. Introduction

X-ray techniques have been established as one of the most standard tools for physics research and the wide variety of related fields [15]. Ever since its first discovery of x-ray, tremendous advancements have been made in both experimental facilities and theoretical frameworks. Nowadays its wide energy range and angle resolution as well as the elaborate resonant techniques enable us to study various scientific phenomena. In condensed matter physics, it often serves as a unique tool to detect or identify intriguing phenomena which can hardly be accessed by other techniques [68]. The measured x-ray data often contain lots of information about the material of interest, and its interpretation is highly non-trivial beyond the capability of a simple theoretical model or calculation. The experimental achievement and advancement require to develop new theoretical frameworks and computation schemes [4, 5, 9, 10]. Along with this line, the first-principles-based methods have been also quite actively explored [1119].

Recently, we proposed a simple first-principles-based technique to directly calculate the branching ratio (BR) through the formula derived by Thole and van der Laan [20]. This approach enables us to calculate BR and therefore to make a quantitative comparison with experiments without any elaborate heavy computations such as the core hole pseudo-potential generations and Bethe–Salpeter-type many-body calculations [1719, 21, 22]. Not only the BR has a lot of physical meaning itself, but also it is useful to directly compare theory to experiments. Although our method is based on a crude approximation of atomic theory [20], the previous calculations for iridium double perovskites show a good agreement with x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) data [23]. Not just because it is simple enough and computationally cheap, but also because the same formula provides the information of spin–orbit coupling (SOC) strength, ⟨LS⟩, the successful application to iridates is encouraging especially considering recent great interests in large SOC materials [68, 2431]. While its success is largely attributed to the large atomic number of iridium which validates the atomic picture and justifies the ignorance of the core–valence interaction, further investigation of its applicability is an important open issue. If this technique can be reliable for lighter transition metal (TM) systems, it can serve as a useful tool for a wider range of material research.

In this paper, we investigate the applicability of this technique. We apply this method to various TM elements and compounds. For 5d systems, we examined twelve different materials containing Hf, Ta, W, Re, Ir, and Pt. The calculation results are in good agreement with the experimental data. The results of six different 4d materials are also in agreement with experiments. For 3d TMs, eight different materials have been considered. It is found that the intensity ratio of L edges is close to the statistical value as expected, while the experimental data often exhibit noticeable deviations. This feature can be understood from the sizable core–valence interaction.

2. Computational methods

In the below, we summarize the computational scheme suggested in [23] and the computational details. The key idea is to focus on correctly estimating BR instead of calculating spectrum itself which requires an elaborate theory to describe the core hole interactions such as Bethe–Salpeter equation and time-dependent density functional theory [3235]. While these advanced methods can in principle provide the reasonable spectrum for many cases, there is still large room for the methodological improvement from the practical point of view. First, performing these calculations is computationally heavy as briefly mentioned above. Second, these theories have their own formal limitations. For example, the single particle–hole theory is not expected to generate the multiplet structure properly, which is the reason why the previous studies have been mostly focusing on d0 compounds. Finally, each method has its own numerical issues. As a result, if the calculated spectrum is not well compared with the experimental one, empirically it is often difficult to conclude whether it is attributed to the physical reason or simply to the numerical one.

2.1. Branching ratio formalism

To calculate BR, we first calculate ⟨LS⟩. With our basis set of localized pseudo-atomic orbital (PAO) ϕα,i (α: orbital index, i: site index) [36], Kohn–Sham eigenstate is decomposed $\vert {{\Psi}}_{n\boldsymbol{k}}\rangle ={{\Sigma}}_{i,\alpha }{c}_{\alpha ,i}^{n,\boldsymbol{k}}\vert {\phi }_{\alpha ,i}\rangle $ where n and k refer to band index and momentum, respectively. The SOC part of Hamiltonian is then estimated as

Equation (1)

where PJ=5/2 and PJ=3/2 are densities of states for J = 5/2 and J = 3/2 state, respectively [23].

In reference [20], the core–valence interaction is assumed to be small enough in comparison to the core SOC, and then the core states are well described by total angular momentum quantum number J. The intensity ratio is

Equation (2)

where r = ⟨LS⟩/nh.

Note that BR can be calculated just from nh and ⟨LS⟩. It should also be noted that the correct estimation of nh can be non-trivial typically due to the hybridization with neighboring atomic orbitals [23], and the value of nh is dependent on the charge counting method. In the current study, we simply take the numerical integration of the partial density of states. The deviation ranges caused by this choice are represented by error bars in figures 13.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. The calculation results (red) and experimental data (blue) of (a) BRs and (b) −⟨LS⟩ for eighteen different 5d TM systems. Calculation error bars reflect the dependence on the numerical details concerning the d-orbital energy range (see main text). The horizontal black lines represent the theoretical value in the absence of spin–orbit interactions (i.e., the statistical value for BR). The calculation results (red) and experimental data (blue) of (a) BRs and (b) −⟨LS⟩ for eighteen different 5d TM systems. Calculation error bars reflect the dependence on the numerical details concerning the d-orbital energy range (see main text). The horizontal black lines represent the theoretical value in the absence of spin–orbit interactions (i.e., the statistical value for BR). The experimental value of reference [68] is from Sr2Rh0.05Ir0.95O4, not stoichiometric Sr2IrO4 (see main text for the related discussion). The experimental ⟨LS⟩ values are obtained by equation (2).

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Figure 2.

Figure 2. The calculated BR and −⟨LS⟩ for IrO2 with varying lattice parameters. The plus and minus sign refers to the enlarged and reduced parameters, respectively, from the experimental value.

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Figure 3.

Figure 3. The calculation results (red) and experimental data (blue) of (a) BRs and (b) −⟨LS⟩ for six different 4d TM systems. The horizontal black lines represent the statistical value for BR

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2.2. Computational details

For the electronic structure calculations, we used 'OpenMX' density functional theory software package [36], which takes the linear combination of numerical PAO as a basis set and the norm-conserving pseudo-potential [37, 38]. The cutoff radii for O, Cl, Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Sr, Ru, Rh, Pd, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Ir, Pt, Mn, Co, Sc, Mg, and Ca are 5.0, 7.0, 7.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 10.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 6.0, 6.0, 7.0, 7.0 and 9.0 a.u., respectively. The Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange–correlation functional has been adopted [39]. For Mott insulators, we used spin-polarized PBE plus U scheme to treat on-site electronic correlations as our main data set. Ueff = UJH [40, 41] values for CuO, RuCl3, IrO2, and Sr2CaIrO6 are 4.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.0  eV, respectively [23, 30, 4246]. We also checked with spin-unpolarized PBE +U considering the recent discussion on this issue [4751]. It is found that the calculated values are in a reasonable agreement with each other, and any of our conclusion is not affected by this choice. The SOC was taken into account within a fully relativistic J-dependent pseudo-potential scheme in the non-collinear methodology [36]. While the experimental crystal structures are mainly used [5265], we also checked the results with varying lattice parameters up to ±3% (see section 3.1).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. 5d transition metal systems

First, we apply our method to 5d systems. A total of 18 different materials have been investigated; Hf, HfO2, Ta, Ta2O5, W, WO2, Re, ReO2, ReO3, Ir, IrO2, Sr2CaIrO6, Sr2MgIrO6, Sr2TiIrO6, Sr2ScIrO6, Sr2IrO4, Pt, and PtO2. Figures 1(a) and (b) present the calculation results of BR and ⟨LS⟩, respectively, in comparison with experimental data [6669]. The red and blue colors represent the calculation and experimental data, respectively. The error bars for the experimental values are taken directly from references. The overall good agreement between calculations and experiments is clearly noticed.

For elemental Hf, Ta, W, Re, and their oxides, BR is quite close to the statistical value, ${I}_{{L}_{3}}/{I}_{{L}_{2}}=2$ [66, 67, 70], and this feature is well reproduced by our calculation. For elemental Ir, the calculation result is located in between the two experimental values. For Pt and PtO2, the BRs are notably greater than the statistical value in both experiment and calculation.

The BRs of iridium oxides are significantly larger than 2 which is attributed to the combined effect of charge transfer and crystal fields [66, 67]. For IrO2, two experiments report BR ≃ 3.1 [67] and ≃ 6.9 [66], respectively. Our calculation shows that BR is close to 3.1 in good agreement with the data by Cho et al [67]. Also for Sr2IrO4, there are two experimental data available; BR ≃ 7.0 [66] and ≃ 5.3 [68]. Our calculation supports the latter. It is noted that the data of reference [68] is taken from 5% Rh-doped sample while reference [66] and our calculation measure the stoichiometric Sr2IrO4. According to reference [68], BR does not change much as a function of Rh concentration in the small doping regime [68]. For Ir double perovskites, Sr2AIrO6, Laguna-Marco et al recently performed experiments [69], and three compounds (A = Mg, Ti, Sc) were calculated in the previous study (also presented in figure 1). Our calculation not just reproduces the overall feature of BR for iridium oxides (see the trend from Sr2CaIrO6 to IrO2), but it also gives the quantitative agreement with experiments. It is also noted that, as reported in reference [23], the difference between calculation and experiment can further be reduced (especially for the case of Sr2MgIrO6) by considering the possible oxygen vacancy in the experimental situation.

Figure 1(b) shows the calculated ⟨LS⟩ in comparison with experiments. We take the experimental data as in the original papers if ⟨LS⟩ values are presented. Otherwise, we estimated the experimental values from the nominal charges through ⟨LS⟩ = nh(2 − BR)/(1 + BR). Note that the measured quantity in the experiment is BR from which ⟨LS⟩ is estimated, whereas, in our calculation, the more direct quantity is ⟨LS⟩ as clearly seen in equation (2). Therefore the good agreement between theory and experiment can become a strong indication of the reliability of our method.

As expected, for the materials whose BR is close to the statistical value, ⟨LS⟩ is close to 0. Overall, the calculation results are in reasonable agreement with experiments. In iridium oxides, |⟨LS⟩| is significantly larger being consistent with figure 1(a). It is interesting to note that Sr2IrO4 has a larger BR than Sr2TiIrO6 while both have d5 configuration. It is attributed to the smaller crystal field in Sr2IrO4 (Δ = 3.61  eV) than that of Sr2TiIrO6 (Δ = 4.19  eV). It is known that |⟨LS⟩| decreases as the crystal field increases [23].

Here we emphasize that our calculations consider a wide energy range for d-orbital states. In order to represent the ambiguity in taking the d-orbital contributions (or in other words, the ambiguity in the projection onto d orbitals) due to the hybridization with O-2p ligands (in the case of oxides) or with other orbitals (in the case of elements), the energy range is set to cover the entire non-negligible PDOS (projected density of states) contributions. It is the reason why the current results are different from the values in reference [23] for the case of double perovskites. In the current study, our energy range is typically tens of electron volts while it was set to cover only the main peaks in reference [23]. Considering that this type of ambiguity, the good agreement between calculation and experiment supports the reliability of the method. We also check the error range caused by varying lattice parameters. In figure 2, the calculation results of IrO2 are presented in which its lattice parameter is changed by ±3%. It is found that the dependence is not significant. We also the same feature for other materials.

3.2. 4d transition metal systems

4d TM systems are of particular interest since our method has only been applied to 5d materials and its applicability is expected to be limited as the atomic number decreases. Here we select six different materials for which the experimental data are available; RuO2, Sr2RuO4, Sr4Ru2O9, RuCl3, Rh, and Pd. Figures 2(a) and (b) show the calculated BR and ⟨LS⟩ (red colors), respectively, along with experimental data (blue colors) [7173] whose error bars are taken from the original reference papers. The experimental data are fairly well reproduced by our calculations.

For Sr4Ru2O9, Sr2RuO4, RuO2, Rh, and Pd, the experimental BRs are close to the statistical value which indicates that the effect of SOC is not significant as also reflected in figure 2(b). The calculation results are in good agreement with experimental data while they tend to overestimate. RuCl3 is of great recent research interest for which the novel Kitaev physics can be realized due to the sizable SOC [30, 71, 7476]. Indeed, |⟨LS⟩| and BR are much larger in this material, see figures 2(a) and (b). The experimental values are in reasonable agreement with our calculation within the error bar ranges. Note that J = 5/2 state (not J = 3/2) is solely responsible for so-called Jeff = 1/2 in this material, which leads to the larger intensity at L3 edge and therefore also to the larger BR. It is also noted that, within the simple ionic picture, Ru ion in this material has d5 configuration whose |⟨LS⟩| value should be smaller than that of d4 according to the naive charge counting. This example clearly shows that the elaborate electronic structure information is important to predict the effect of SOC and the related experimental quantity (figure 4).

Figure 4.

Figure 4. The calculation results (red) and experimental data (blue) of BR for eight different 3d TM systems. The experimental BR of SrTiO3 is an approximate value taken as mentioned in reference [77]. The horizontal black line represents the statistical value for BR.

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3.3. 3d transition metal systems

Finally, we investigate 3d TM elements and compounds. A total of twelve systems are taken into account; Ti, TiO2, SrTiO3, Cr, MnO, Fe, FeO, CoO, Ni, NiO, Cu, and CuO. Our calculation results of BR (red colors) are represented in figure 3 in comparison with experiments (blue colors) [7779]. Different from the case of 4d and 5d materials, the calculated results significantly differ from the experimental data. The calculated ⟨LS⟩ is small and the BRs are all quite close to the statistical value. It is attributed to the assumption that the core–valence interaction is negligible which can hardly be relevant to light elements. In the case of 3d TMs, the SOC splitting of 2p1/2 and 2p3/2 core states is typically 5–20  eV which is comparable with the core–valence interaction of roughly a few eV [8082]. For example, the core–valence interactions are shown to be 5.29–5.6  eV and 6.67–6.8  eV in Mn2+ and Ni2+, respectively [8082]. These values are just slightly increased by considering the core hole states [82]. It is in sharp contrast to the case of 4d and 5d TMs where the SOC of core 2p electrons is several hundred eV or even more [67, 6971] whereas the core–valence interaction is typically ⩽ 5  eV [3, 72]. In order to describe 3d TM systems within the first-principles framework, the more sophisticated techniques are needed to deal with the core holes directly [16, 83, 84].

4. Summary

We investigated various TM elements and compounds by means of a recently-developed first-principles computation scheme. The BR and ⟨LS⟩ are calculated and systematically compared with experiments. For 4d and 5d materials with various charge valencies, this computation method gives good agreement with experiments. For 3d systems, on the other hand, the difference between calculation and experiment becomes significant due to the core–valence interaction neglected in the calculation. The current study establishes the reliability and applicability of this new computation scheme for heavy TM systems, which provides an efficient new way to make a comparison with experiments.


M J H thanks Michel van Veenendaal for useful discussion. This work has supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT)(No. 2018R1A2B2005204) and Creative Materials Discovery Program through the NRF funded by MSIT (No. 2018M3D1A1059001).

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