Spectral perturbations in a semiconductor laser: II. Nonlinear interaction of modes

©, 2005 Kvantovaya Elektronika and Turpion Ltd
, , Citation P G Eliseev 2005 Quantum Electron. 35 791 DOI 10.1070/QE2005v035n09ABEH009187



The spectral perturbation is considered in a semiconductor active medium in the vicinity of the frequency of a strong electromagnetic wave. The nonlinear interaction of waves via the dynamic interference grating, or nonlinear scattering by population waves leads to the shift of resonance frequencies, which is manifested, in particular, in a change of the mode-beating spectrum of the laser. The spectral profile of this perturbation depends on the amplitude—phase coupling factor α. For large α, the profile becomes symmetrical in detuning from the strong-mode frequency. A change in the group refractive index corresponding to the 'slowing' of light is also calculated.

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