Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, Stephanstrasse 1a, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany.


(49) 341 9940 2476



Mrs Prof. Dr. Katharina von Kriegstein

The positions are funded by the ERC consolidator grant SENSOCOM. The aim of the SENSOCOM project is to investigate the role of auditory and visual subcortical sensory structures in analysing human communication signals and to specify how their dysfunction contributes to human communication disorders such as developmental dyslexia and autism spectrum disorders.

Doctor of Philosophy and Postdoctoral Positions ‐ Investigating Sensory Aspects of Human Communication

Purpose: The aim of the SENSOCOM project is to investigate the role of auditory and visual subcortical sensory structures in analysing human communication signals and to specify how their dysfunction contributes to human communication disorders such as developmental dyslexia and autism spectrum disorders

Eligibility: Applicants from Germany are eligible to apply

Value: Not Known

Study Establishment: Positions are awarded in Investigating Sensory Aspects of Human Communication

Country of Study: Germany

Application Procedure: To apply, please submit a CV, contact information of two references, a brief personal statement describing your qualifications and future research interests, copies of up to two of your publications. Please submit your application via our online system at

Additional Information: please visit the website for more information

For further information contact:
