Issue 9, 2024

Depletion-induced crystallization of anisotropic triblock colloids


The intricate interplay between colloidal particle shape and precisely engineered interaction potentials has paved the way for the discovery of unprecedented crystal structures in both two and three dimensions. Here, we make use of anisotropic triblock colloidal particles composed of two distinct materials. The resulting surface charge heterogeneity can be exploited to generate regioselective depletion interactions and directional bonding. Using extensive molecular dynamics simulations and a dimensionality reduction analysis approach, we map out state diagrams for the self-assembly of such colloids as a function of their aspect ratio and for varying depletant features in a quasi two-dimensional set-up. We observe the formation of a wide variety of crystal structures such as a herringbone, brick-wall, tilted brick-wall, and (tilted) ladder-like structures. More specifically, we determine the optimal parameters to enhance crystallization, and investigate the nucleation process. Additionally, we explore the potential of using crystalline monolayers as templates for deposition, thereby creating complex three-dimensional structures that hold promise for future applications.

Graphical abstract: Depletion-induced crystallization of anisotropic triblock colloids

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Article information

Article type
23 Sep 2023
19 Jan 2024
First published
24 Jan 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 4724-4736

Depletion-induced crystallization of anisotropic triblock colloids

F. Camerin, S. Marín-Aguilar and M. Dijkstra, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 4724 DOI: 10.1039/D3NR04816K

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