Issue 11, 2023

Quantum chemistry simulation of ground- and excited-state properties of the sulfonium cation on a superconducting quantum processor


The computational description of correlated electronic structure, and particularly of excited states of many-electron systems, is an anticipated application for quantum devices. An important ramification is to determine the dominant molecular fragmentation pathways in photo-dissociation experiments of light-sensitive compounds, like sulfonium-based photo-acid generators used in photolithography. Here we simulate the static and dynamical electronic structure of the H3S+ molecule, taken as a minimal model of a triply-bonded sulfur cation, on a superconducting quantum processor of the IBM Falcon architecture. To this end, we generalize a qubit reduction technique termed entanglement forging or EF [A. Eddins et al., Phys. Rev. X Quantum, 2022, 3, 010309], currently restricted to the evaluation of ground-state energies, to the treatment of molecular properties. While in a conventional quantum simulation a qubit represents a spin-orbital, within EF a qubit represents a spatial orbital, reducing the number of required qubits by half. We combine the generalized EF with quantum subspace expansion [W. Colless et al., Phys. Rev. X, 2018, 8, 011021], a technique used to project the time-independent Schrodinger equation for ground- and excited-states in a subspace. To enable experimental demonstration of this algorithmic workflow, we deploy a sequence of error-mitigation techniques. We compute dipole structure factors and partial atomic charges along ground- and excited-state potential energy curves, revealing the occurrence of homo- and heterolytic fragmentation. This study is an important step towards the computational description of photo-dissociation on near-term quantum devices, as it can be generalized to other photodissociation processes and naturally extended in different ways to achieve more realistic simulations.

Graphical abstract: Quantum chemistry simulation of ground- and excited-state properties of the sulfonium cation on a superconducting quantum processor

Article information

Article type
Edge Article
31 Oct 2022
14 Feb 2023
First published
15 Feb 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 2915-2927

Quantum chemistry simulation of ground- and excited-state properties of the sulfonium cation on a superconducting quantum processor

M. Motta, G. O. Jones, J. E. Rice, T. P. Gujarati, R. Sakuma, I. Liepuoniute, J. M. Garcia and Y. Ohnishi, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 2915 DOI: 10.1039/D2SC06019A

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