Issue 10, 2023

An efficient electrochemical biosensor for the detection of heavy metal lead in food based on magnetic separation strategy and Y-DNA structure


Herein, an electrochemical biosensor was developed based on a magnetic separation strategy for the sensitive detection of the heavy metal Pb2+. The specific binding of Pb2+ and the aptamer (Apt) is used to trigger the release of the complementary chain (cDNA) on the magnetic bead system. The cDNA completes base complementary pairing with hairpins HP1 and HP2 at the electrode to form a Y-DNA structure. Then, the Y-DNA runs continuously with the assistance of the signal tag methylene blue (MB) and the current signal increases. However, in the absence of Pb2+, cDNA cannot be released and the Y-DNA structure cannot be formed on the electrode, resulting in a relatively low current signal. Under the optimal experimental conditions, the reduced peak current difference (ΔI) showed a good linear relationship with lg CPb2+ between 0.1 and 1000 nM, with a detection limit of 5.9 pM. In addition, the stability, reproducibility and detection capability of the sensors were investigated with satisfactory results.

Graphical abstract: An efficient electrochemical biosensor for the detection of heavy metal lead in food based on magnetic separation strategy and Y-DNA structure

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Article information

Article type
26 Oct 2022
14 Feb 2023
First published
15 Feb 2023

Anal. Methods, 2023,15, 1306-1314

An efficient electrochemical biosensor for the detection of heavy metal lead in food based on magnetic separation strategy and Y-DNA structure

Z. Suo, X. Qi, J. Dong, M. Wei, B. He, H. Jin, R. Guo, W. Ren and Y. Xu, Anal. Methods, 2023, 15, 1306 DOI: 10.1039/D2AY01747D

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