Issue 17, 2013

Synthesis and self-assembly of triphenylene-containing conjugated macrocycles


Two imine-based shape-persistent macrocycles containing triphenylene building blocks, along with their noncyclic model compounds, have been synthesized. Their stable conformations are predicted by quantum mechanical calculations and confirmed by 2D NOESY NMR measurements. Compared to the noncyclic model compounds, the macrocycles (3 and 6) show a higher propensity for solution self-assembly due to their stronger π–π stacking interactions, and form micro-objects which exhibit an enhanced conductivity after doping. While both macrocycles have identical molecular geometries and very similar structures, their solution self-assembly leads to micro-objects with very different shapes. The two macrocycles also show different pH-dependent optical properties.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and self-assembly of triphenylene-containing conjugated macrocycles

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Article information

Article type
20 Dec 2012
11 Feb 2013
First published
14 Feb 2013

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 6008-6015

Synthesis and self-assembly of triphenylene-containing conjugated macrocycles

T. Dutta, Y. Che, H. Zhong, J. H. Laity, V. Dusevich, J. B. Murowchick, L. Zang and Z. Peng, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 6008 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA23421E

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