Issue 17, 2004

The synthesis of ventiloquinone L, the monomer of cardinalin 3


Readily available ethyl-4-acetoxy-6,8-dimethoxynaphthalene-2-carboxylate 27 was converted into 1-[3-allyl-4-(benzyloxy)-6,8-dimethoxy-2-naphthyl)-1-ethanol 31 in seven steps. Subjection of this compound to Wacker oxidation conditions provided 5-benzyloxy-7,9-dimethoxy-1,3-dimethyl-1H-benzo[g]isochromene 32 in good yield. Hydrogenation of the isochromene afforded (±)-cis-7,9-dimethoxy-1,3-dimethyl-1H-benzo[g]isochroman-5-ol 33 as the major product, which was readily converted into ventiloquinone L.

Graphical abstract: The synthesis of ventiloquinone L, the monomer of cardinalin 3

Article information

Article type
14 May 2004
17 Jun 2004
First published
02 Aug 2004

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2004,2, 2461-2470

The synthesis of ventiloquinone L, the monomer of cardinalin 3

E. M. Mmutlane, J. P. Michael, I. R. Green and C. B. de Koning, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2004, 2, 2461 DOI: 10.1039/B407208A

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