Issue 13, 2023

LiCs3AlB7O14: achieving enhanced optical anisotropy via [AlO4] tetrahedron introduction to rearrange the anionic framework


Borate has become a hot topic because of its rich structural chemistry and excellent properties for functional materials fields. The rearrangement of π-conjugated B–O units is key to enhancing the optical anisotropy, but it remains a challenge. Herein, by introducing [AlO4] tetrahedra, a new congruent melting aluminoborate LiCs3AlB7O14 with [B7O14] clusters was discovered. This work confirms that the introduction of [AlO4] tetrahedra can lead to the rearrangement of anionic framework of the borate system and thereby enhance the birefringence of LiCs3AlB7O14. The birefringence is about 4.1 times higher than that of its congener Li4Cs3B7O14 with the same [B7O14] clusters. Similarly, the effects of [AlO4] tetrahedra on the rearrangement of the B–O anionic framework are also demonstrated in other known borates.

Graphical abstract: LiCs3AlB7O14: achieving enhanced optical anisotropy via [AlO4] tetrahedron introduction to rearrange the anionic framework

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Article information

Article type
08 Feb 2023
28 Feb 2023
First published
15 Mar 2023

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 3942-3946

LiCs3AlB7O14: achieving enhanced optical anisotropy via [AlO4] tetrahedron introduction to rearrange the anionic framework

X. Li, D. Chu, H. Qiu, Y. Wu and X. Hou, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 3942 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT00401E

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