Issue 4, 2017

Every photon counts: understanding and optimizing photon paths in luminescent solar concentrator-based photomicroreactors (LSC-PMs)


Luminescent solar concentrator-based photomicroreactors (LSC-PMs) have been recently proposed for sustainable and energy-efficient photochemical reactions. Herein, a Monte Carlo ray tracing algorithm to simulate photon paths within LSC-PMs was developed and experimentally validated. The simulation results were then used to investigate the expected efficiency of scaled-up devices. A novel metric, defined as the ‘Average Photon Path Traveled in the Device’ (APPTD), was introduced to measure the impact of different channel design choices and to rationalize the LSC-PM improvement over traditional LSC. The simulation results suggest that the combination of luminescent solar concentrators and continuous-flow photochemistry has the potential to become the most photon-efficient application of LSCs reported to date.

Graphical abstract: Every photon counts: understanding and optimizing photon paths in luminescent solar concentrator-based photomicroreactors (LSC-PMs)

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Article information

Article type
01 Jun 2017
12 Jun 2017
First published
28 Jun 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

React. Chem. Eng., 2017,2, 561-566

Every photon counts: understanding and optimizing photon paths in luminescent solar concentrator-based photomicroreactors (LSC-PMs)

D. Cambié, F. Zhao, V. Hessel, M. G. Debije and T. Noël, React. Chem. Eng., 2017, 2, 561 DOI: 10.1039/C7RE00077D

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