Issue 25, 2007

Di-2-pyridyl ketone oxime in copper chemistry: di-, tri-, penta- and hexanuclear complexes


The use of di-2-pyridyl ketone oxime (Hpko)/X “blends” (X = OH, Cl, ClO4) in copper chemistry has yielded neutral binuclear and cationic trinuclear, pentanuclear or hexanuclear complexes. Various synthetic procedures have led to the synthesis of compounds [Cu5(pko)7]·[ClO4]3·2CH3OH·2H2O (1), [Cu3(pko)3(OH)(Cl)]2[Ph4B]2·4DMF·2H2O (2), [Cu2(pko)4] (3), {[Cu6(pko)6ClO4(CH3CN)6][Cu6(pko)6(ClO4)3(CH3CN)4]}·8ClO4·14CH3CN·H2O (4). The structures of the complexes have been determined by single-crystal X-ray crystallography.

Graphical abstract: Di-2-pyridyl ketone oxime in copper chemistry: di-, tri-, penta- and hexanuclear complexes

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Article information

Article type
19 Jan 2007
10 Apr 2007
First published
24 Apr 2007

Dalton Trans., 2007, 2658-2668

Di-2-pyridyl ketone oxime in copper chemistry: di-, tri-, penta- and hexanuclear complexes

T. Afrati, C. M. Zaleski, C. Dendrinou-Samara, G. Mezei, J. W. Kampf, V. L. Pecoraro and D. P. Kessissoglou, Dalton Trans., 2007, 2658 DOI: 10.1039/B700902J

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