Issue 37, 2023

Ultrahigh activity and broad temperature resistance of amine–imine cobalt precatalysts for butadiene polymerization


A series of amine–imine cobalt complexes (Co1–Co7) has been prepared and characterized. The complexes Co3, Co4, and Co6 have a distorted tetrahedral geometry, as determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. In the presence of ethylaluminum sesquichloride (EASC), Co3 exhibited ultra-high activity toward butadiene (Bd) polymerization (up to 7813 kgpolymer mol−1 h−1). The activity is higher than any yet recorded for which yield high cis-1,4 polybutadiene by the well-defined late-transition metal catalytic system. The catalyst also exhibited excellent tolerance towards the ratio of Co/Bd and broad temperature stability. At a ratio of Bd/Co3 = 50 000, the complexes Co1–3 can afford polybutadiene with yields higher than 96% within 2 hours. At −20 °C to 100 °C, the complex Co3 afforded relatively high polymer yields at low catalyst concentrations (Bd/Co3 = 25 000). In addition, all polymers showed a relatively high molecular weight (up to 1.06 × 106 g mol−1).

Graphical abstract: Ultrahigh activity and broad temperature resistance of amine–imine cobalt precatalysts for butadiene polymerization

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Article information

Article type
31 Jul 2023
22 Aug 2023
First published
24 Aug 2023

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 13146-13153

Ultrahigh activity and broad temperature resistance of amine–imine cobalt precatalysts for butadiene polymerization

Y. Fu, J. Tang and J. Hua, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 13146 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT02460A

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