Issue 89, 2015

Preparation, crystal structure and up-conversion luminescence of Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped Gd2(WO4)3


Up-conversion (UC) phosphors Gd2(WO4)3:Er3+/Yb3+ were synthesized by a high temperature solid-state reaction method. The crystal structure of Gd2(WO4)3:3% Er3+/10% Yb3+ was refined by Rietveld method and it was showed that Er3+/Yb3+ were successfully doped into the host lattice replacing Gd3+. Under 980 nm laser excitation, intense green and weak red emissions centered at around 532 nm, 553 nm, and 669 nm were observed, which were assigned to the Er3+ ion transitions of 4H11/24I15/2, 4S3/24I15/2 and 4F9/24I15/2, respectively. The optimum Er3+ doping concentration was determined as 3 mol% when the Yb3+ concentration was fixed at 10 mol%. The pump power study indicated that the energy transfer from Yb3+ to Er3+ in Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped Gd2(WO4)3 was a two-photon process, and the related UC mechanism of energy transfer was discussed in detail.

Graphical abstract: Preparation, crystal structure and up-conversion luminescence of Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped Gd2(WO4)3

Article information

Article type
03 Jul 2015
17 Aug 2015
First published
17 Aug 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 73077-73082

Author version available

Preparation, crystal structure and up-conversion luminescence of Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped Gd2(WO4)3

M. Yin, Y. Liu, L. Mei, M. S. Molokeev, Z. Huang and M. Fang, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 73077 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA12959A

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