
Berglundh T et al. J Clin Periodontol 2018; 45 (Suppl 20): S286–S291

Peri-implant health is characterised by the absence of erythema, bleeding on probing, swelling, and suppuration. It is not possible to define a range of probing depths compatible with health. Peri-implant health can exist around implants with reduced bone support. The main clinical characteristic of peri-implant mucositis is bleeding on gentle probing. Peri-implantitis is a plaque-associated pathological condition occurring in tissues around dental implants, characterised by inflammation in the peri-implant mucosa and subsequent progressive loss of supporting bone. It is recommended that the clinician obtain baseline radiographic and probing measurements following the completion of the implant-supported prosthesis. The evidence is equivocal regarding the effect of keratinised mucosa on the long-term health of the peri-implant tissue. However, keratinised mucosa may have advantages regarding patient comfort and ease of plaque removal.