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Recently Patented Inventions- November 18, 1911

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Of Interest to Farmers POTATO DIGGFR.-CLAYTON W. FORD, care of William St. Dniry, Findlay, Ohio. This invention is an improvement in potato digger:, and is illustrated with a section view of the apparatus. In operation the digger is drawn through the field, with a blade or plow a suffcient depth to pass below the potatoes, and POTATO DIGGER. as it moves along the potatoes are li'f'ed from the ground. During transportation. the plow may be lifted out of the ground, and by means of the lever it may be held at any desired depth. The arrangement of the beam of the plow moving between the frame sections prevents any lateral swinging movement of the said beam with respect to the frame, so. that the plow is held directly in the row. The width of the felly of the wheel is greater than tha t of the rings. ALARM AC'UATING MECHANISM FOR INCUBATORS.-W. M. BRALY, Blackwell, Okla. This mechanism is certain in operation and will not be damaged by the increase or decrease of temperature beyond the points where it has been adjusted to operate. The contact lever is pivoted to a rod mounted to travel in guides, a spring being provided to hold the rod in a predetermined position, the contact rod being connected with a thermostat by which it is operated. As the lever is operated by the thermostat it contacts with electrodes, to complete an electric circuit in which there is an electro-magnet. GIN SAW CLEANER.-II. ;. FlrZPATRICK, 153 Nellie B. Avenue, Athens, Ga. The Invention refers to cotton gins. and its object is to provide a new and improved cleaner, arranged to permit the operator to throw the cleaner into action while the gin is r\lnning, with a view to insure complete and quick removal of any lint or extraneous matter that may adhere to the saws. Of General Illteleit, EXEHCISING DEVICE.-E. D. ANGELI, 3600 Miun Avenue, Corvallis, Ore. This exercising device comprises an elongated bag, of canvas or leather or other suitable material flled with sand or other suitable substance to give it weight without rendering the samp Inflexible. While it may be preferred to make the device flexible, the body portion may be made inflexible as for instance, out of wood or metal with the straps. CIWTCH SUPPORTING ATTACHMENT.-LoUIS REMICK, 261 Madison Street, Passaic, N. ;. This invention provides a crutch with an attachment which may serve as a support for the crutch when extended in a horizontal position, and provides an attachment in a manner to avoid the same becoming an obstruction to lnt"rfcre with the comfort af the user when the crutch is employed in the usual manner. CRUTCH SUPPORTING ATTACHMENT. The invention consists is adding a swinging strut or arm to the crutch which, when extended perpendicularly from the crutch, is locked into position to form a rest for the crutch when the same is extended in a horizontal position. Means are provided for adjusting the length of the strut to equalize or to compensate for a. seat or other place of rest of the user. A perspective view of the invention is shown in the engraving. GARBAGE INCINERATOR.-;. B. HARRIS, 210 Stablman Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. The invention provides a smokeless and odorless incinerator, more especially for \se of mun!cipai!ties, large manufact\ling companies, etc., to permit convenient charging of the furnace witb garbage or other refuse and separation OVER 6S YEARS' PERIEIMCE TRADE MAHKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS C. INVENTORS are Invited to communicate with Muu n&Co. . 3 fH Broadway , Ne w \"olk, or fiti5 F Stre e t. Washington, D. (11' in regarf to securing vaiid patent protpctlon for their In-ve n tinn s. TrJlde-1Uarks and Copyright!* regIstered. J e s i g n Patents and For e i g II laten ts secured A Free Opinion as to tbe probable patentabillty of an invention will be l'eadily given to any inventor furnishinj lIS with a model or sketch and a brief description of the device in question, All communications are strictly confidentiaL Our Haud-Book on Patents will be sent free on request. Ours is the Oldest agency for securing patents; it was established over sixty·tre years ago. MUNN&CO., 361 Broadway, New York Branch OHice. 625 F St., Washington. D. C. AT E N T S SECURED OR FEE 1 t, IN 1 O RE!RNED Prt. 1 ML, IV T S RETURNED Free repoEJ't as to Pa tentability. IJlustrated Guide Book. and What To Invent witl List of Lnventions Wanted and Prizes offered for inventions sent free. V lCTOR J. FV ANS&CO .. Wasbington, D.C. Classified Advertisements Advertisinl in this column it 7[) cents a line. No ie:8 lhan four nor more than 12 lines accepted. Count 8eVen words to the line. All orders Illust, be accompanied by a remittance. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A BERLIN PATENT ATTORNEY desires to enter into negotiations with a competent and absolutely reliable young representative resirent in Washington, with a view to mutual co· operation in patent cases. Offers, with references, to be addressed to “Berlin Patent Attorney,” care of this journal. DEAFNESS. THE DEAF HEAR INSTANTLY with the Aeoust!· con. For personal use. also tor churches lud theatres. Special instruments. You must hear before you purchase. Booklet free. General Acoustic Co . . 207 Beaufort St., Jamaica, N. Y. City. Paris branch, 6 Rue d·Hanovre. FOR SALE. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTFD.-Splendid income assured right man to act as our representalive after learning our business thoroughly by mall. B'ormer experience unnecessary. All we require is honesty, ability, ambition and wtllingneRs to learn a lucrative bmsiness. No sol icitin g or tra veling. 'rbis is an e xcep tional opportuni ty tor a m an In your se ction t( ge t into a big paying busine8s without capital and become Independent for lite. Write at once fnr full particulars. Address E. R Marden, lLes., rhe Nationtl Co-Operative 1::l Ette C.mpany, L 378 Marden BuildintW:! hfngton, D. C. OLD COINS. OLD COINS.-$7-75 paid for rare date IffiS quarters. $211 Jui a *a. Keep fill money dated before Iwitf, and send 100. at OBCO for New Illustrated Coin Value Boob, 4x7. it may mean jour fortune, Clara.&Co-, coin Dealers, Bos :". Le Hoy, N. IT- PATENTS FOR SALE. ATTENTION.-Railroad locomotive spar u'murderer: patented, and for sale. Railroad fires ellminated and prohib ited, sm oke nuisance aba ted. smoke or noxiouss gases cann ot cause trouble to passengers in tunnels, Albert Lawrence, Soldiers Home, Hampton. Va. PANAMA CANAL PUZZLE.-Novel and unique' made of metal. Outrlgbt or royalty. Patented 1911. Wor further particulars address, Henry Sievers. 115 Slxtb 8treet, Millwaukee, Wis. WANTED. "ANJED.-Shir dr'tsmen, prl fr'm $5.04 to $3:60 per d1em, .·d assistant s'p draftsmen, p:y from n3.28 to $2.00 per diem. A competitive examination will be beld, at tbe Navy Yard. Philadelpbia. Pa .. December I I, 1911, for establishing an eligible register of sbip draftsmen. For furtber information address . . , Commandant, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa." WANTED mechanical articles-Wish, to correspond with men WhO can write articles on aviation. autom"biJe practice and other mecbanical topics. in popular style. Addre •• , MechaniCS. Box 773, New York. W ANTED-A man or woman to act as our Information reporter. All or spare time. No experience necces-sarYD $50 to $30t) per month. NRthing to s:ll. Sends'a: fgr particul,!rs. Hires 'ssociation,5J S Assoelatro < B ldg. Indianapolis, IndIana. INQUIRY COLUMN READ ''HIS COLUMN CAREFULLL-You will Hnd luqairies for certain classes of artieles numbered in consecutive order. If you manufacture tbese goods write us at once and we will send you the “frame and address of tie party deSiring tbe information. 'l'here is no charge fo r tbi s selvice. In evely case it is n b ces sary to a iv e tbe IIUD ber of tbe inquir y. Where mauu facturers daO not respond prom p tly th e inquiry may be repea ted. IUVNN&CO. . Inc. Inquirv No. 9254.- Wanted. the name and address of manufacturers of lead pencils and pen holders. sucb as are used for printing aovertisements on. Inquilfy No. :£5ii.-1 anted, tO buy a pa;ent roller, a ball-bearing axIe, which couId be purchased tn a royalty basis; it must h e cbean and fully proved. In quiry No. 925fi. Wanted addressee of part . es baving Pitchblende deposits. if able to ship ore. Inquiry No. 9*257. Wanted addresses of firms selling second-hand water turbines. Inqui r: : No. !l2:S.-Wanted addresses of parties bYing lY materials to offer in any part of the -or/g. Inquirb N o. 925at-8 anted to buy amacuine for removing the coating o! a filbert . InqUlr y No . 9OT0,-WaDt addresses of p :ties able to snip corundum, fvarnet , Ill. emery or any a miat al !ui:ble ar anabrasire. November 18, 1911 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 461 For XMAS Is a gift that is appreciated by men, women and children the world over. Made in chased vulcanite, sterling si I v e r (filigree or engraved) rolled gold an d solid gold in different styles. Th e “Screw The “Ladder Feed" on the under face of the nib, as the cut illustrates, supplies the ink steadily without skips, blots or overflow of ink. Cap” is a device that screws down tight over the nib, creating an ink tight chamber, making it impossible for the pen to leak. fM iWAN Comes packed for Chri.tmu presents in appropriate leather covered boxes that CAn be sent through the mail. for a few cenl. MABIE, TODD&eo. 17 Maiden Lane 209 S. State St. NEW YORK CHICAGO 124 York Street. Toronto. Canada 79-80 Hi.h Holborn. London. ED •• Toronto. p.. Blela .. t S,ce, and reduction of the liquid and sol:d matter, to insure complete combustion of matter and utilizing products of combustion for heating boilers for generating steam to be used partly In the furnace, and a surplus for power purposes for the production of electric lighting, etc. PYROPHORIC METAL ALLOY.-G. F. HOF-MANN, Bayerstrasse 57, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. In accordance with this invention the pyrophoric metallic alloy of manganese and antimony has only added to it a small quantity of metallic cerium, for instance, about 5 per cent of metallic cerium suffices to considerably reduce the hardness of the manganese-antimony without Injuring its pyrophoric property. It sparks better than the simple antimony and manganese alloy, It is more easily fled and remains unalteled In the air. FOLDING TOOTH BRUSH.-S. B. LJUTICA, 400 Columbia Bldg., Portland, Ore. This Invention relates to tooth brushes, and it has for its purpose one which may be folded and carried In the pocket, the device having a box for containing tooth powder, which is permitted to reacb the brush member, pivoted to the box through an opening therein. BAIT FOR CATCHING ANIMALS AND THE LIKE.-C. H. FREYER, Laddonia, Mo. In the use of this composition, the same can be used in connection with any common animal bait, such as meat and the like, or the composition can be used alone. When used In conjunction with animal traps, it serves to attract the animal to the tra p and in this manner presents an efficient and easily prepared bait. Hardware and Tools. WRENCH.-A. BERAN, Kopprasch Agent, Vienna, Austria-Hungary. Use is made of a handle provided with a jaw extending at an angle from the handle, and having thereon a gripping lug for engagement with the peripheral surface of an object to be turned or adjusted, and a second jaw provided with a gripping lug for engagement with the peripheral surface of the object, the said second jaw being pivotally mounted on the handle and in contact with a spring mounted On the handle. DESK REMINDER.-G. W. WRIGHT, Seheu-er Bldg., 738 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. An object of this inventor is to provide a device which will hold a plurality of memorandnm tabs in separate readily accessible positions, whereby they can not (Inly be readily removed and inserted, but also can be at least partially visible, so as to be distinguishable one from the other. WRENCH.-EDWARD L. BROWN, Box 39 Virginia City, Nev. This engraving presents a side view partly In section, of a wrench showing the jaws open. The handle may be preferably of metal channeled out in its sides. The tapered forms of jaws are usefUl in that they will hold the end of the wrench On the pipe after the jaws are adjusted and there Is no danger 'f their slipping off. The slid- PIPE-WRENCH. Ing jaws may be adjusted to fit upon a pipe by turning the screw, and the last may be slacked to allow play between the jaws so the wrench will work freely around the pipe, and if very thin the throw of the sliding jaw can be regulated so as not to crush the pipe. The Inventor will communicate with reliable parties on request in relation to manufactnring the wrench on a royalty basis. Heating: and Ligbting. WARM AIR REGULATING HEART H.-E. B. LOBACH, 4715 Haywood Place, Denver, Colo. In this structure the inlet opening for warm air is adjacent the bottom of the hearth and is covered by a plate which has a portion of its surface perforated to permit passage of the warm air from the inlet pipe through the helrth into the room or apartment. The perforated portion is controlled by a slide or damper which uncovers a greater or less number of the perforations as desired. FLEXIBLE PIPE COUPLING.-W. A. CRAMMOND, 337 E. 19th Street, New York, N. Y. The invention relates to improvements in pipe couplings for use generally in connecting relatively-movable pipes through which a fluid Is delivered, the special form of coupling being designed for use in connecting steam pipes, which carry the stear to multiple watserseal cups of telescopic gas holders, to prevent the freezing of the water within the cups during winter. Household UtIlities. BATH ACCESSORY.-F. HESS, 511 Fifth Avenue, West, Kalispell, Mont. This invention provides a sanitary towel supporting frame to be readily adjnsted to a bathtub of usual construction, the frame being provided with means for securing the towel firmly in the frame; and provides a device adapted for attachment to the 1nclined end of the bathtub. SINE FRAME BRA

Scientific American Magazine Vol 105 Issue 21This article was originally published with the title “Recently Patented Inventions” in Scientific American Magazine Vol. 105 No. 21 (), p. 460