Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 05 January 2024.

The original version of this Article contained an error in Reference 36, which was incorrectly given as:

Shumilo, L., Kussul, N., Shelestov, A., Korsunska, Y., Yailymov, B. Sentinel-3 urban heat ISLAND monitoring and analysis for KYIV based on vector data. In 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT) (2019).

The correct reference is listed below:

García, D.H. Analysis of Urban Heat Island and Heat Waves Using Sentinel-3 Images: a Study of Andalusian Cities in Spain. Earth Syst Environ 6, 199–219. (2022).

Furthermore, the work of Zuhlke et al. (2015) was incorrectly cited in the Figure Legends of Figure 2 and 3, respectively. As a result, this reference was omitted from the Reference list.

“Cite: Zuhlke, Marco, Norman Fomferra, Carsten Brockmann, Marco Peters, Luis Veci, Julien Malik and Peter Regner. SNAP (Sentinel Application Platform) and the ESA Sentinel 3 Toolbox. Version number: 8. URL link: (2015).”

now reads:

“Zuhlke et al.111, version number: 8, URL link: (2015).”

The original Article has been corrected.