
The Hawaiian Islands are home to remarkable examples of adaptive radiation and speciation among endemic invertebrates, plants, and forest birds. These taxa are faced with continual threats from invasive species, human development, and changing climatic conditions. This is especially true for endemic Hawaiian honeycreepers (family Fringillidae, subfamily Carduelinae), a diverse group of forest birds that radiated from a small number of ancestral colonists to more than 70 morphologically and ecologically diverse species1,2. In the past decade, all species of Hawaiian honeycreeper have experienced declines; only 17 of over 50 historically known species of honeycreeper remain, and of these, 14 are federally listed as endangered3,4.

A primary cause for honeycreeper declines in Hawai‘i is their high susceptibility to avian malaria, a mosquito-borne disease caused by the introduced avian malaria parasite Plasmodium relictum5,6,7 and transmitted by the invasive mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, the primary avian malaria vector in Hawai‘i8,9,10. Culex quinquefasciatus has dramatically expanded its range in the last decades and it is now established in much of the tropics and sub-tropics, including on many islands (e.g., Hawaii, the Galapagos) that once were protected from mosquitoes through their natural separation from mainland landmasses10. Culex quinquefasciatus exhibit multiple traits that promote invasiveness, including (1) adaptation and association with human environments, such as breeding in water polluted with human or animal waste in peri domestic or rural areas11,95, (2) diverse range of blood-meal hosts12,97, and 3) wide temperature optimum that enable it to thrive in a wide diversity of habitats13. Although Cx. quinquefasciatus is generally thought of as ornithophilic96, they also feed on diverse hosts such as humans, mammals, and reptiles12,97. Culex quinquefasciatus have a broad thermal range of transmission from 14.1 to 32.2 ℃ with an optimum temperature of 25.2℃13. Furthermore, Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes need a period of 8–14 days to go from egg to adult stage when temperatures are between 24 and 28 ℃; survival rates are above 75% when temperatures are between 16 and 32 ℃, and longevity is between 50 and 90 days when temperature is between 16 and 24 ℃14. In addition to being a competent vector for avian malaria, Cx. quinquefasciatus are vectors of West Nile virus, Rift Valley fever virus, St. Louis and Japanese encephalitis viruses, and filarial worms that can cause diseases to humans and/or animals12,98,99,100.

Transmission of vector-borne diseases (VBDs) is complex and influenced by a myriad of abiotic and biotic factors15,16. Transmission of VBDs is directly impacted by climatic factors, particularly by temperature and precipitation and to a lesser degree by humidity and wind patterns17,18, and by geographic factors associated with temperature and land use such as elevation and distance to anthropogenic features, respectively19. Both climatic and geographic factors influence the spatial and temporal distribution, intensity, and duration of VBDs15,16 and avian malaria specifically20. Mosquito-borne diseases exhibit considerable seasonality linked to environmental factors, especially temperature and precipitation, and to the life cycles of the pathogens and the vectors that transmit them14. Temperature directly affects mosquito life history traits like development rate, mortality rate, biting rate, fecundity13,21 and parasite development rate13,21,22. Precipitation affects the presence, quality, and quantity of mosquito breeding habitats and thus impacts either the increase or decrease of mosquito populations23. Other environmental factors also influence mosquito seasonality. For example, photoperiod impacts overwintering behavior of some mosquitoes24. In addition, temperature plays a major role in the fitness and phenology of both vectors and parasites, leading to complex spatial and temporal patterns of distribution of vectors and VBDs25,26.

In Hawai‘i, temperature and rainfall, in conjunction with naturally-occurring and anthropogenic larval habitat, have been identified as key factors influencing Cx. quinquefasciatus populations and avian malaria transmission27,28,29. Previous work suggests that populations of Culex mosquitoes generally decline across an elevational gradient from mid- to high-elevation forest bird habitat, and that avian malaria transmission across a broader elevational gradient ranges from year-round in low elevation forests (< 300 m), seasonal with peaks in late summer at middle elevations (600–1200 m), with sharp declines at higher elevations (> 1500 m) where thermal constraints on the development of mosquitoes and Plasmodium within mosquitoes curtail malaria transmission9,22,27,29,30.

In this study, we explore environmental, anthropogenic, and seasonal drivers of mosquito occurrence and abundance across an altitudinal gradient on the Island of Hawai‘I using capture data of adult Cx. quinquefasciatus, collected across a broad landscape on the windward slopes of Mauna Loa and Kīlauea Volcanoes on the Island of Hawaii from 2002 to 2004. These data are the most extensive available on mosquito populations in natural areas in Hawai‘i20,27,29,31, but have posed challenges for analysis due to high numbers of non-detection events (i.e. trapping periods that yield zero captures) during sampling. Non-detection events may arise from a combination of imperfect detection and/or low mosquito densities in areas where native birds persist32. Reliable inferences depend on selecting an appropriate distribution for zero-inflated data33. In this work, we leveraged zero-inflated models which can handle large proportions of zeros while modeling non-zero data and have been increasingly used in epidemiological modeling and other fields34,35 to explore spatio-temporal variation in mosquito occurrence and abundance in mosquito count data with a high proportion of zeros.

To address our questions, we modeled and assessed the effects on mosquito occurrence and abundance of mean temperature, precipitation, distance to the nearest anthropogenic features (e.g., residential, farmland), and two-time lags for precipitation (one and two months prior to the sampling events). Our analysis and the resulting models are relevant to designing sampling strategies for future efforts to monitor the efficacy of proposed landscape-scale mosquito control in remote Hawaiian forests and other habitats in the world where mosquito vectors occur in low densities36,37,38. It also has value for guiding strategies for sampling vector populations with extremely low density and for controlling transmission of avian malaria in susceptible native forest birds.


Mosquito capture

We collected mosquitoes at nine forested sites spanning an altitudinal gradient ranging from sea level to 1800 m on Hawai ‘i Island from February 2002 to December 2004 . Sites were located in mesic to wet forests dominated by native ‘Ōhi ‘a (Metrosideros polymorpha) with three low elevation (< 300 m), four middle elevation (900 – 1300 m), and two high elevation (> 1650 m) sites. At each of the nine sites, a 1 km2 grid was established comprising 5 transects spaced 200 m apart (Fig. 1). Each week of trapping, the traps were randomly assigned 5 out of 10 possible locations spaced at least 100 m apart along each transect. We assumed traps could attract mosquitoes within a circle with a radius of 50 m making even the closest set traps independent of each other. Mosquitoes were captured at 25 sampling locations for 3–6 trap nights every 4–6 weeks. At each mosquito sampling location, two traps were deployed: one CDC miniature light trap baited with CO2 (dry ice) that targets host-seeking females39 and one CDC gravid trap baited with an organic rich timothy-hay infusion that targets egg-laying females40. CDC light traps were operated without the light because in the Hawaiian rain forest, sockets corroded rapidly and lights failed regularly; in previous studies, we noticed traps without lights were catching mosquitoes similarly to those with lights. Female mosquitoes were morphologically identified by species and counted. For this study, we limit our focus to Cx. quinquefasciatus, the primary vector of avian malaria in Hawai ‘i. Mosquito count data were aggregated at the mosquito sampling location (i.e., trap site) and month level for the purposes of our statistical analysis (Table 1). For more details about Cx. quinquefasciatus trapping, identification, data storage, and to access the raw data used in this analysis, please see the U.S. Geological Survey Data Release at

Figure 1
figure 1

Map showing contour lines and the 9 locations where mosquito sampling took place. Low elevation sites: Bryson (BRY), Nānāwale (NAN), and Malama Kī (MAL); Middle elevation sites: Waiākea (WAI), Puʻu Unit (PUU), Cooper (COO), and Crater Rim (CRA); High elevation sites: Solomon’s (SOL) and CJ Ralph (CJR). Insets showing the study area on the Island of Hawai‘i and the mosquito sampling locations per site (transects and traps). The Map was created using ArcGIS version 10.8.2 from ESRI (

Table 1 Descriptive statistics of Cx. quinquefasciatus captures in windward Island of Hawaiʻi.

Environmental variables

For each mosquito sampling location, we aggregated mean monthly temperatures from a gridded 250 m resolution temperature dataset from 1990 to 2014 across the state of Hawai‘i41. We obtained monthly cumulative rainfall data from a gridded rainfall dataset available from 1920 to 2012 across the state of Hawai‘i42. We extracted monthly precipitation at each sampling location one and two months prior (i.e., the two months leading up) to each sampling period (Appendix S1: Table S1). To account for the availability of highly productive artificial larval habitats, we calculated the distance from each sampling location to the nearest anthropogenic feature (e.g., farmland, urban, roads), using a cloudless Landsat mosaic from the period between 1998 and 2002 obtained from Landsat7 satellite imagery (Appendix S1: Table S1)43.

Occurrence estimation with CART and GLM

We explored drivers of occurrence of Culex mosquitoes across an elevational gradient using two approaches, classification and regression tree (CART) and generalized linear model (GLM)44,45. For each approach, we fit models with and without site as a predictor covariate (referred to here as site-specific (S) and general (G) models, respectively). Models including a covariate for site were expected to explain more variation, while models without site have more generalizability across the landscape. In both S and G models, we included predictors for trap type (CO2 or gravid), sampling month, monthly mean temperature (℃), monthly cumulative precipitation (mm), distance to anthropogenic features (m), and two-time lags for precipitation (1 and 2 months prior to the sampling time) to assess the effect of environmental and geographic covariates on the probability of Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence. For the occurrence analysis, we treated our response variable, mosquito detection/non-detection, as a binary (0/1) response to indicate whether Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes had been captured in the trap during that sampling period.

The CART method is a non-parametric machine learning technique applicable to both numerical and categorical data46. This method uses a decision tree algorithm to model the relationship between a set of input variables and a single output variable46,106. For this approach, we used the rpart function from the rpart package47 in R48. The CART model works by splitting the dataset recursively, which means that the subsets that result from a split (child nodes) are further split until a predetermined termination criterion is reached or until no improvement can be made. At each step, the split is based on the independent variable that results in the largest possible reduction of heterogeneity of the dependent variable to reach an impurity state of zero (i.e., the class is homogeneous) or close to zero49,104. To quantify the level of impurity we used the Gini index method. The Gini index reaches maximum value when all classes in the table have equal probability49. Child nodes terminate at leaves and each leaf in the tree diagram is labeled with the probability that the response variable (occurrence of Culex) is true50. Nodes are classified in three types: the root or parent nodes, the child nodes (derived from parent nodes), and leaf nodes which are the last nodes on a tree51.

We also modeled mosquito occurrence using a binomial GLM, using the glm function from the stats package in R. We fit an intercept only (null) model and a full model using the same set of predictors used in the CART method, as well as a quadratic term for temperature to accommodate a non-linear response of this variable, and an interaction term of temperature and precipitation105,106. We used stepwise model selection in both the forward and backwards direction to select a final model using the step function from the stats package in R. To assess GLM model assumptions, we computed and plotted the randomized quantile residuals (RQRs) in the statmod package52 in R. RQRs behave as standard normal residuals if model assumptions are met and the model adequately fits the data53. We compared the performance of the CART and GLM models using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score calculations54,55, as well as comparing models’ marginal prediction plots56,57,102,103.

Abundance estimation with GLMM

To examine drivers of mosquito abundance, we analyzed Cx. quinquefasciatus count data using generalized linear mixed models, GLMMs58,59. GLMMs provide flexibility to analyze non-normal data and allow both fixed and random effects58,59. Repeated samples at the same location are often correlated, which can be accounted for using random effects60,61. Our fixed effects included mean temperature, squared mean temperature, precipitation, distance to anthropogenic features, trap type, two lag times for precipitation (one and two months prior to sampling), and the interaction of temperature with precipitation. We used the glmmTMB package62 in R, which accommodates a diverse set of models for zero-inflated count data and uses maximum likelihood estimation and Laplace approximation to integrate over random effects.

Our mosquito count data, particularly counts from gravid traps (Table 1), had excessive zeroes beyond what a common count distribution can accommodate, such as Poisson or negative binomial (NB). We compared zero-inflated63,64 and hurdle65,66 models, which have been developed to model zero-inflation when count models such as Poisson and NB are unfeasible33,34,63. The count component of a ZI model, which can include sampling zeros from non-detection, follows either a Poisson or a NB distribution63. When modeling the count component, a Poisson distribution can be used if the conditional mean equals the conditional variance34,67, in most count data sets the conditional variance is much greater than the conditional mean, a phenomenon called overdispersion, in which case a NB distribution provides a better fit64. In the hurdle model, the positive count data follow either truncated Poisson or truncated NB distributions33,34,65. We used the Akaike information criterion (AIC) for model selection68,69. To assess if model assumptions were adequately met, we used the DHARMa package70 to compute and plot residuals and test that a given model structure could be used to simulate the zero-inflation observed in the data.


Mosquito trapping

During three years of sampling, a total of 19,671 Cx. mosquitoes were collected during 56,604 trap nights, of which 16,139 were collected using CO2 traps and 3,532 using gravid traps. The greatest number of mosquitoes were collected at middle elevation sites (WAI, PUU, COO, CRA) in CO2 (13,272 mosquitoes) or gravid (2,636 mosquitoes) traps. At low elevation sites (BRY, MAL, NAN), we captured 2,844 and 841 mosquitoes in CO2 and gravid traps, respectively. At high elevations, 23 mosquitoes were collected using CO2 traps and 55 using gravid traps (Table 1; Appendix S1: Fig. S1). Trap-level count data were strongly zero-inflated, with an average of 81% zeros in the data collected with CO2 traps and 94% zeros in data collected with gravid traps.

Culex quinquefasciatus occurrence

CART model

For model G (site not included), the initial branching depended on trap type, with lower occurrence in gravid traps compared to CO2 traps, and sampling month and environmental variables underlying subsequent divisions (Fig. 2). At the bottom of the tree, each leaf in the diagram shows the final probabilities of occurrence. For example, the values at the left-most leaf in Fig. 2 indicates a probability of 91% of non-detection of Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes if the trap type is a gravid trap and the months of sampling are either January, February, March, April, May, June, November, or December. The values at the right-most leaf in Fig. 2 show a 31% probability of detection of Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes if the trap type was a CO2 trap, the mean temperature was ≥ 16 ℃ and < 20 ℃, precipitation two months prior to sampling was ≥ 106 mm, and precipitation one month prior to sampling was ≥ 109 mm. For model S (including site), site was the variable that determined the initial branching, followed by trap type and sampling month (Appendix S1: section S2.1.1; Appendix S1: Fig.e S2).

Figure 2
figure 2

Pruned tree for the general (no site covariate) CART model showing the parameters and values that best predict Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence on Hawai‘i Island. The splits from each node follow the rule left = YES. Each node contains the following information: the predicted class (detection (1) or non-detection (0)), the probability of detection/non-detection, and the percentage of observations in the node. The color scale shows the non-detection (blue) to detection (green), color changes towards white as detection/non-detection approaches 50/50 percent. tmean, mean temperature; preciplag1 and preciplag2, one and two months prior precipitation to the sampling month; distance, distance to anthropogenic features.

GLM model

The best general (site not included) logistic regression model to explain Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence included all variables plus the quadratic temperature variable and interaction between mean temperature and monthly precipitation (Appendix S1: Table S3). Based on this final model, there was a lower probability of Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence between January and May and a higher probability of Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence between June to December with a peak between August and October (Fig. 3A; Appendix S1: Table S3). Gravid traps had 0.251 fewer captures of Cx. quinquefasciatus per trap location/month compared to CO2 trap location/month captures (Fig. 3B; Appendix S1: Table S3). Culex occurrence increased with monthly mean temperature as expected; an increase of 6.6 mosquitoes per month at each trap location for each Celsius degree increase.

Figure 3
figure 3

Model G: GLM model predictions for Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito occurrence by (A) month of sampling, and (B) trap type used during sampling.

Monthly precipitation and one- and two-month lags in monthly precipitation prior to the sampling month had a similar positive effect on Culex occurrence with an increase of 1 mosquito per one mm increase in precipitation up to 200 mm of precipitation after which mosquito occurrence levels off (Appendix S1: Table S3). Greater distance to anthropogenic features had a negative impact on Culex occurrence (Appendix S1: Table S3). See full description for model S (site included) in section S2.1.2 in appendix S1.

Comparison of occurrence model performance

Predictions from GLM models based on environmental predictors (mean temperature and precipitation) and geographical predictors (distance to anthropogenic features) did not adequately fit the non-linear nature of the count data and provided a poorer fit compared to CART models, especially for model G when the site variable was not included (Fig. 4; Appendix S1: Fig. S3). Furthermore, CART model predictions showed very little sensitivity to including site in the model, with similar responses with or without site included (Fig. 4). Tests of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-scores validated that CART models (with and without site variable) performed better than GLM models, even after a quadratic term to account for non-linearity in temperature was included in the GLM model. The CART model G (without site) had an accuracy of 79%, a precision of 62%, a recall of 51%, and a F1-score of 56% while the GLM model G without site had an accuracy of 75%, a precision of 58%, a recall of 27%, and a F1-score of 37%. The CART model S (site included) had an accuracy of 81%, a precision of 67%, a recall of 57%, and a F1-score of 62% while the GLM model S with site included had an accuracy of 79%, a precision of 67%, a recall of 45%, and F1-score of 54% (Appendix S1: Section S4).

Figure 4
figure 4

GLM and CART predictions for Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence for model G (site not included) for: (A) temperature (°C), (B) precipitation, (C) distance to anthropogenic features and for model S (site included) for: (D) temperature (°C), (E) precipitation, and (F) distance to anthropogenic features.

Culex quinquefasciatus abundance

GLMM models

For both models G and S, a zero-inflated negative binomial distribution best described Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance. The zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) distribution was the best model based on AIC values, the diagnostic of residuals, and the ability to predict the number of zeroes in the data set (Appendix S1: Table S6, Figs. S7 and S10) when compared to the Poisson, negative binomial, hurdle models, and the zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) distributions.

For model G, the best model included month, trap type, mean temperature, the distance to anthropogenic features, precipitation in the same month, and precipitation in one and two months prior the sampling month (Appendix S1: Tables S7 and S8). The conditional part of the model (detection > 0) indicated that Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance showed strong seasonality (Fig. 5). Gravid traps captured fewer Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes compared with CO2 traps (Appendix S1: Table S7 and Fig. S8). Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance increased with monthly mean temperature independent of trap type (Appendix S1: Table S7 and Fig. S8A). Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance decreased with monthly precipitation, especially when mosquitoes were sampled with CO2 traps (Appendix S1: Fig. S8B). However, precipitation one and two months prior to the sampling event had a positive effect on Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance (Appendix S1: Table S7). Finally, Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance decreased with increasing distance from anthropogenic features (Appendix S1: Fig. S8C).

Figure 5
figure 5

GLMM model predictions for Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquito abundance in Hawai‘i Island for each month using (A) CO2 traps and (B) gravid traps. Black dots represent predicted mean mosquito counts. Red dots represented the mean observed mosquito counts. Error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals.

For the zero-inflated portion of the model, month of sampling, monthly mean temperature, precipitation one and two months prior to the sampling event, and distance to anthropogenic features best explained non-detection of Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes (Appendix S1: Table S8). There was low abundance of Cx. quinquefasciatus and frequent non-detection of mosquitoes in both traps in the months of February, March, April, and December relative to January (Fig. 5; Appendix S1: Table S8). Monthly mean temperature had a positive effect on detection of Cx. quinquefasciatus, with fewer detections of mosquitoes when temperatures were cooler (Appendix S1: Table S8). Also, frequency of non-detection events was higher when mosquito traps were located further from anthropogenic features (Appendix S1: Table S8).

For model S, the best model included site, month of sampling, trap type, monthly mean temperature, monthly precipitation, and distance to anthropogenic features (Appendix S1: Table S4 and S5). In the conditional part of the model (detection > 0), sites at middle elevations (PUU, WAI, and COO) had the greatest Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance with the exception of CRA site regardless of trap type (Fig. 6). Sites at low elevations (BRY, MAL, NAN) had on average 205% fewer Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes than sites at middle elevations when sampled using CO2 traps and 300% fewer Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes when sampled with gravid traps (Fig. 6). At high elevations, Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance was very low compared to low and middle elevations, especially at Solomon’s (SOL) site where only very few Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes were captured (n = 2; Fig. 6). Trap type showed a negative effect on Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance with gravid traps detecting fewer mosquitoes in comparison with CO2 traps (Fig. 6). Similar to model G, monthly mean temperature had a positive effect on Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance while precipitation and distance to anthropogenic features had a negative effect on Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance (Appendix S1: Table S4).

Figure 6
figure 6

Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito abundance in Hawai‘i Island at three different elevation gradients (Low, Middle, and High) for each of the sampled sites using: (A) CO2 traps and (B) gravid traps. Black dots represent predicted mean mosquito counts. Red dots represented the mean observed mosquito counts. Error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals. Site abbreviations: BRY, Bryson; CJR, CJ Ralph; COO, Cooper; CRA, Crater Rim; MAL, Malama Kī; NAN, Nānāwale; PUU, Puʻu Unit; SOL, Solomon’s, and WAI, Waiākea.


The ability to estimate mosquito occurrence and abundance and understand their environmental and geographical drivers is critical to the success of efforts to manage mosquito populations and reduce avian malaria transmission in endemic Hawaiian forest bird populations22. Avian malaria has long been recognized as contributing to species extinction and population declines of endemic Hawaiian forest birds71. Avian malaria transmission continues to threaten native bird persistence and recovery4,72. Recent population declines on the islands of Kauai and Maui have been attributed to climate-change driven expansion of mosquito vectors and disease transmission at higher altitudes11,73. We found Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence and abundance were strongly influenced by temperature and precipitation and that occurrence and abundance were highest during the warm and relatively dry months of August through October. Our results largely support earlier demographic and transmission modeling of this disease system27,29 and highlight the higher trap efficacy of CDC CO2-baited traps compared with gravid traps74,75. Our analytical approach was tailored to the zero-inflated nature of our dataset, providing a model for quantifying both environmental and site-specific variation in the presence and abundance of low-density mosquito populations.

We fit and evaluated multiple models of Culex occurrence and abundance to identify a model structure that was robust to the zero-inflation and overdispersion seen in our data and hence capable of yielding reliable and informative inferences. For occurrence, we observed a good fit between the simulation-based expected distribution of the residuals and the sample residuals from the GLM, while CART slightly outperformed the GLM based on accuracy, precision, and recall. However, both the GLM and CART models yielded similar response curves to our focal environmental variables, providing confidence in estimated relationships with mosquito occurrence using both analytical approaches. To model abundance, we evaluated zero-inflated and hurdle models, both of which provide the flexibility to model overdispersed count data with an excess of zeroes33,76. The best fit was achieved with a zero-inflated negative binomial model, which is a mixture of a negative binomial distribution for the counts and a point mass at zero. We note that the proportion of zeroes in our data was nevertheless associated with model fit. For example, when estimating Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance by site and seasonality using count data collected with CO2 traps (64% zeroes), we observed a smaller difference between predicted and observed values compared with results from count data collected with gravid traps (85% zeroes).

Our results showed that the occurrence and abundance of Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes was greater at middle elevation sites, where seasonally abundant Cx. quinquefasciatus populations overlap with highly susceptible native bird species that function as efficient reservoir hosts for malaria30. Compared to middle elevation sites, low elevation sites captured two- and three-fold fewer mosquitoes on average when using CO2 and gravid traps, respectively. While low elevation areas are closer to thermal development optima for Cx. quinquefasciatus13 and generally closer in proximity to agricultural and residential land use that may support the highest densities of Culex77,78, our low elevation study sites were primarily located in native and non-native forest fragments where artificial and natural-occurring larval mosquito habitats were scarce79. Sites at high elevations had very low occurrence and abundance, especially at the highest elevation site, Solomon’s, where only two Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes were captured during three years of sampling. Extremely low mosquito occurrence and abundance observed during this study within these high elevation forests explain in part the observed low prevalence of malaria in the remaining high elevation honeycreeper refugia3,20. On the eastern flank of Mauna Loa and Kilauea Volcanoes, young volcanic soils are very porous with no surface hydrology. Across this landscape, the most available larval mosquito habitat within middle elevation native forest bird habitats are naturally-occurring rainwater-filled tree fern (Cibotium spp.) cavities created by the destructive feeding of invasive feral pigs11. Other Hawaiian islands outside of our focal study area on the Island of Hawai‘i are characterized by substantially older substrates, such as those on the islands of O‘ahu and Kaua‘i. Within these landscapes, riparian habitats may be the predominant larval habitats for Cx. quinquefasciatus, and consequently altitudinal trends in occurrence and abundance may differ substantially from our observed patterns73.

Site-specific availability of habitat for larval mosquitoes likely shaped patterns of occurrence and abundance across the elevational gradient. Among our mid-elevation sites, Crater Rim had a relatively low mosquito abundance, similar to abundance observed at the low elevation sites. However, of the few mosquito captures most were in gravid traps. Crater Rim is located within Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park where an active resource management program controls feral pigs. Larval habitat surveys revealed an absence of naturally occurring or pig-created larval mosquito habitats (personal observation, LaPointe.); probably gravid traps become more enticing in this site. Furthermore, this site is also located within a rain shadow receiving less precipitation than the other mid-elevation locations. Interestingly, the greatest mosquito abundance was observed at another middle elevation site located within Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park (Pu’u Unit) where feral pigs were also controlled. However, water catchment and artificial containers had been placed on the site to support invasive weed control efforts and provide habitats for native damselflies and thereby inadvertently supporting high numbers of larval mosquitoes29. This demonstrates how the addition of even a few artificial larval habitats in native forest bird habitat can significantly influence vector abundance.

Our models showed that Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence and abundance are greatly influenced by temperature. The effects of temperature were observed even after models accounted for variation among months, and response curves for occurrence estimated by CART and GLM models were strikingly similar between models (Fig. 4). The range of mean temperatures in our study (12.5–25 °C) is well within the thermal performance curve for multiple life history traits of Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes (e.g., mosquito lifespan, fecundity, immature survival) that were calculated based on laboratory exposure of mosquitoes to different constant temperatures from 0 to 45 °C13. Cx. quinquefasciatus immature survival, lifespan, and fecundity have an optimum temperature and thermal limits of 22 °C (9–38 °C), 18 °C (NA–31 °C), and 21 °C (5–38 °C), respectively14,80. Multiple studies support mean temperature as a key driver of Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence and abundance and the transmission of pathogens (e.g., Plasmodium relictum, West Nile virus) by Cx. quinquefasciatus81,82,83,84. Expected increases in temperatures due to global warming could lead to the expansion of avian malaria into high elevation forests100,101. Avian malaria expansion into high elevation forest could have catastrophic consequences for the few honeycreeper species that persist in high elevation thermal refugia where they have been historically protected from exposure to malaria infected mosquitoes22. Assessment of long-term temperature data (1917–2016) from Hawai‘i indicates that mean temperature has increased by 0.052–0.212 °C per decade since the 1910s, with 2016 showing the greatest single year increase in temperature at 0.2 °C85,86,87,88. At this rate of temperature increase, high elevation forests will be increasingly less safe place for native birds. In fact, recent population declines on Kauai suggest that on lower lying islands, few if any safe havens remain73,89. Our results support a need for continued mosquito monitoring and surveillance as climates warm.

Precipitation had weaker effects on mosquito occurrence and abundance than temperature, and we saw variability in the direction of effects across models that were dependent on the time lag. CART models predicted that Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence increased with monthly precipitation, reaching a peak around 580 mm, and then decreased as precipitation increased. Estimated effects of lagged precipitation showed similar or consistently positive relationships. However, models of abundance estimated negative effects of precipitation in the month of sampling, and weak or positive effects of lagged precipitation. Some of the variation among estimates may arise from the seasonal nature of precipitation variability in Hawai‘i, where rainfall is divided into two well marked periods of six months each; a rainy and dry season27,85. The intensity and sequence of precipitation events can affect mosquito abundance and may contribute to the complexity in estimated relationships. For example, a heavy rainfall event may cause direct mortality to adult mosquitoes that is reflected in monthly abundance estimates. The same rainfall event may create or maintain larval mosquito habitat that will increase mosquito abundance after a lag of adequate duration to complete immature development. Intense precipitation events can also increase immature mortality by flushing larvae from their habitats90.

In general, both Cx. quinquefasciatus occurrence and abundance increased with proximity to anthropogenic features. Multiple studies have also found greater numbers of mosquitoes in anthropogenic landscapes such as urban and farmland areas91. Conversion of forest into urban and agriculture fields creates larval mosquito habitats, which increases mosquito occurrence and abundance91. In Hawai`i, the encroachment of ranchland and residential subdivisions on native forests increases Cx. quinquefasciatus abundance in nearby forests28,79.

A key result of our study is our finding that CO2 traps are more efficient for monitoring mosquito abundance in native Hawaiian forest bird habitats compared to gravid traps. The difference in mosquito captures between trap types (CO2 -baited CDC miniature versus gravid traps) is largely due to the type of baits used in each trap. CO2 traps attract female mosquitoes searching for a blood meal while gravid traps attract female mosquitoes in search of oviposition sites. CO2 traps compete with naturally occurring vertebrate hosts (e.g., birds, rodents) while gravid traps compete with natural aquatic habitats used for egg-laying. Therefore, trap efficacy may be sensitive to environmental context. For example, in low elevations the increased conversion of forested land to residential and agriculture land has created abundant artificial habitat for Culex mosquitoes79. At middle elevations, the gravid traps compete with rock pools, tree fern cavities, and ground pools created by feral pigs for oviposition sites22,73,78. Previous studies have shown that traps designed to attract female mosquitoes searching for a host blood meal (e.g., humans, birds, small mammals) capture greater numbers of individuals and a wider range of species compared to gravid traps92,93. Most studies focused on assessing distribution, occurrence, and abundance of mosquitoes use traps that simulate the host such as the CDC miniature light trap baited with CO219. However, we note that gravid traps may be more useful for detecting malaria infection rates within mosquitoes because they acquire the parasite through feeding and have necessarily already fed when seeking an oviposition site but not when seeking a blood meal. Ultimately the type of trapping method used in mosquito monitoring programs (e.g., BG sentinel trap, CDC light trap, gravid trap, etc.) should be selected carefully to reduce the influence of competing attractants in the natural environment that could skew mosquito occurrence and abundance93,94.

In conclusion, our study demonstrated the effectiveness of the zero-inflated negative binomial model for representing low density mosquito capture data and the greater efficacy of CO2 baited traps over gravid traps. These tools will be essential for developing effective sampling strategies and to determine release rates and control efficacy of Wolbachia-based insect incompatibility control measures planned for the critical habitats of Hawai ‘i’s remaining endemic forest birds. The statistical approach we employed is also applicable to other vector monitoring and control programs. Additionally, our analysis of environmental determinants supports earlier modeling efforts on the seasonal and altitudinal occurrence and abundance of Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes and increases our understanding of the significant role of temperature in driving mosquito abundance in Hawai‘i.