Background & Summary

Data sparsity is a prevalent challenge in climate science and ecology. For example, in-situ observations tend to be spatially and temporally sparse due to sensor malfunctions, limited sensor locations, or non-ideal climate conditions such as persistent cloud cover. Consequently, understanding many climate processes can be difficult because the data do not capture the full natural variability in both space and time. FLUXNET2015 is a global network of eddy-covariance stations that captures carbon, water, and energy exchanges between the atmosphere and biosphere and provides high-quality ecosystem-scale observations spanning many climate and ecosystem types1. However, its coverage is neither continuous nor temporally dense, especially in the years prior to 20001. Furthermore, its distribution across climate zones is not balanced, with only around 8% and 11% of the current operational stations located in the tropics and semi-arid regions, which are regions of critical importance for the global carbon cycle2. For instance, there is increasing evidence that most of the global interannual carbon variability can be attributed to the semi-arid ecosystems in the southern hemisphere3. Thus, the lack of high-resolution observations in these data-sparse, yet important areas may inhibit our overall understanding of the global carbon cycle, especially in light of climate change.

The machine-learning community has tried to tackle the data sparsity problem in many ways, including the development of several few-shot learning approaches4,5. One of these is the meta-learning approach that “learns how to learn from different tasks”. The idea behind this learning paradigm closely resembles how humans learn: we extract high-level features from previously learned tasks to quickly solve new problems. For instance, we can memorize a new person’s face with very few samples because we understand how a face should look after seeing many other faces. Although applications of meta-learning have been limited6,7, there has been a growing popularity in the applied sciences8,9. However, as far as we know, there is little work being done on the use of meta-learning in climate and environmental sciences, especially with regards to sparse and extreme spatiotemporal observations. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no upscaling effort to date that uses an ensemble of meta-trained deep models to produce a spatiotemporally continuous climate product from sparse observations. And given the importance of carbon fluxes in diagnosing the earth’s changing climate10,11, there is a growing need to have a globally continuous, high-resolution dataset that best represents critical regions that, unfortunately, tend to have few data points.

To bridge these gaps, we aim to (i) evaluate the performance of meta-learning in environments where spatiotemporal information is sparse, (ii) check its robustness when predicting extreme cases that are critical to the carbon cycle, and (iii) upscale point data to a globally continuous map using an ensemble of meta-trained deep models. In particular, we focus on gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) as specific applications of the broader terrestrial carbon cycle. The upscaled product is resolved at 0.25-degree spatial resolution, spanning either at daily or monthly temporal resolutions between the years 2001 and 2021. Preliminary analysis shows that our global product (“MetaFlux”) is internally consistent in terms of its seasonality, interannual trend, and variability, and has high correlation with satellite-based solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) – a proxy for photosynthesis – when compared with other data-driven products, especially in the tropics and semi-arid critical regions.

Finally, the dataset is freely accessible in Zenodo at, while the meta-learning code can be reproduced and extended from with example notebooks to apply our approach to your specific use cases. The overall methodology is summarized in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Schematic diagram of our MetaFlux methodology from the meta-learning phase that meta-trains GPP and Reco from FLUXNET2015 eddy covariance flux tower data using station-level ERA5 reanalysis and RS-based MODIS predictors. The meta-trained and validated ensemble is then used to upscale a global 0.25-degree GPP and Reco at daily and monthly timescale between the years 2001 and 2021. Finally, the ensemble global mean and uncertainty estimates are validated and compared with evidences from the literature.


Meta-learning: learning how to learn

Meta-learning is a machine-learning paradigm that trains a model to learn new tasks from sparse data efficiently13, leveraging information that comes from tasks with more available data. In general and as illustrated in Fig. 3a, meta-learning involves two stages: a meta-training and a meta-update stage. During meta-training, the model, fθ (a function f that is parameterized by θ), proposes intermediate parameters, ϕ, that minimize the loss of base tasks14. In the meta-update step, the model fine-tunes its parameter, θ, given ϕ and the target tasks14, seeking the optimal parameter θ*. We define target tasks as a collection of stations in data-sparse regions, including the tropics, semi-arid regions, and representative stations in each ecoregion defined by plant functional types (PFTs), while the base tasks consist of the complement of the former (i.e. stations in data-abundant regions). Given the two-step gradient update procedures in meta-training and meta-update loops, the optimal parameters θ*, are not biased toward data-abundant base tasks, as illustrated in Fig. 3a, whereas in the baseline case (Fig. 3b), the optimal learned parameters would be biased toward data-abundant tasks as each data point contributes similarly to model’s learning. The details on how the data is split, including how the base (Dbase) and target (Dtarget) datasets are divided for training and testing, are provided in the “Training setup” section below and illustrated in Fig. 4. For this work, we use an optimization-based meta-learning approach that is adapted from the model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML)13 as detailed in Fig. 2a.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Algorithm for both optimization-based meta-learning and its non-meta-learning counterpart.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Schematic diagram of our (a) meta-learning approach that is meta-trained on data-abundant tasks to obtain a set of ϕ, and fine-tuned on data-sparse tasks to get θ*; (b) baseline algorithm that is not meta-trained. The optimal θ* in the latter case tends to be biased towards data-abundant tasks as represented by the gradient sets \({\phi }_{n}^{* }\).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Meta-learning datasets where base tasks are used for meta-training and target tasks for meta-update. The subscripts train and test are used to train and evaluate the model in each of the two meta-learning steps. Target tasks are selected by randomly sampling half of the FLUXNET2015 stations in the tropical and semi-arid regions, which are sparse, and one station from each plant functional type (PFT) including those in the cropland and boreal regions. By extension, the base tasks consist of the remaining stations.

Differentiable learners

Next, we will discuss the different deep learning models used for this work, including a multilayer perceptron (MLP), long-short term memory (LSTM), and bi-directional LSTM (BiLSTM).

Multilayer perceptron (MLP)

MLP or the feedforward artificial neural network is a fully connected deep model that can capture nonlinear relationships between inputs and the response variable15. Generally, an MLP consists of the input and output layers with several hidden layers and is activated by a set of nonlinear functions. In this paper, we use the Leaky Rectified Linear Unit (LeakyReLU) which is formulated in Eq. 1, where α controls the extent of “leakiness” in the negative x direction. The MLP model receives instantaneous weather data and vegetation index.

$$R(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}x & x > 0\\ \alpha x & \,x < =0\end{array}\right.$$

Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)

Time-series representing environmental processes tends to be strongly autocorrelated in time16 and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) were first introduced to solve this issue. The LSTM model was then proposed by17 to address the issues of vanishing and exploding gradients commonly observed in RNNs. The model can preserve long-term dependencies of sequential data through its gated structure that controls how information flows across cells. It is able to leverage association across multiple timesteps to inform inferential tasks where time dependency is present and significant. This can be especially useful to represent water stress, for instance, that depends not only on current daily precipitation but also on previous time steps of precipitation (water supply) and evaporative demand (temperature, radiation, humidity).

Bi-directional LSTM (BiLSTM)

The BiLSTM model is trained on both forward and backward timesteps to best estimate the value at the current timestep, t18, similar to reanalysis products (compared to weather forecasts that only use past information like LSTMs). BiLSTM has been used in cases where the past is as important as the future contexts19. The equations describing a BiLSTM cell are similar to that in LSTM with a slight modification in the hidden state representations that have to capture the forward and backward timesteps.

Training setup

We train an ensemble of meta-trained deep networks. The purpose of training an ensemble is to quantify uncertainty and reduce the bias of each individual model20. The final model architecture and hyperparameters, including batch size and learning rates, are determined after performing a k-fold cross validation (k = 5) on the training set. In all, we use a 3-layer MLP with a hidden size of 350. We replace the first layer with either the LSTM or BiLSTM modules for the LSTM and BiLSTM models respectively to capture temporal features prior to the final prediction layer. The optimized ensemble is trained by minimizing the mean squared error (MSE). We train our models to estimate GPP and Reco at daily and monthly timescale across 206 FLUXNET2015 sites1 (retrievable from using a combination of meteorological and remote sensing inputs including precipitation, air temperature at 2-meter (Ta), vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and incoming short-wave radiation from ERA5 reanalysis data21 (retrievable from and leaf area index (LAI) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) product22 (retrievable from We retrieve the associated time-series closest to each tower site. In particular, we use the night-time partitioning methods for GPP and Reco and match each flux record with reanalysis and remote sensing data corresponding to the station of interest. Aside from the target variable, we perform a z-normalization of the inputs to improve the learning process (Eq. 2).

$$z-normalized\;X=\frac{X-E(X)}{{\sigma }_{X}}$$

where E(X) is the estimated expected value of the variable X on our training data, and σX the corresponding sample standard deviation.

Next, we define class Ci as a set of batches consisting of input variables and target flux observations, with i denoting the index of batches of size 256. The definition of batch differs between linear MLP and time-series models, such as LSTM and BiLSTM. A batch, in the linear MLP case, refers to a collection of instantaneous data points, while in time-series models, it corresponds to a set of 30-day continuous data points. The choice of a 30-day window to form a single data point in the latter case is to better capture seasonal water stress23. We construct Dtarget by randomly selecting half of the stations in the tropical and semi-arid regions (defined by the Köppen classification24, retrievable from, which are sparse, and one station from each plant functional type (PFT) including those in the cropland and boreal areas25. By extension, the Dbase consist of stations that are complement to Dtarget. Each dataset is divided into training (Dtrain) and testing (Dtest) sets with an 80:20 split ratio. As the term suggest, the former is used to train the model fθ, while the latter is used to validate the performance of the model. Overall, the set of all possible datasets, D, includes \(\left({D}_{train}^{base},{D}_{test}^{base},{D}_{train}^{target},{D}_{test}^{target}\right)\). Figure 4 illustrates how the dataset for meta-learning is constructed, with base tasks data being used for meta-training and that from target tasks for meta-update steps. We meta-train three models: MLP, LSTM, and BiLSTM, with an ensemble of five members each; where their individual weights are randomly initialized.

The non-meta-learning baseline uses identical architectures and hyperparameters, but the models do not have a meta-update outer loop (see Fig. 2b). This learning paradigm is similar to a single-step gradient descent learning approach26 where we backpropagate the gradient of the loss function to update fθ. This learning mode, however, can be biased to representations of tasks that have a lot more data. To ensure that a similar data structure is used in the baseline case, we compile \(\left({D}_{train}^{base},{D}_{train}^{target}\right)\) as the training set and \(\left({D}_{test}^{base},{D}_{test}^{target}\right)\) as the testing set.

Upscaling of global products

For the upscaling portion of this work, we use a similar set of meteorological and remote sensing inputs as during training at either the daily or monthly timesteps. Since VPD is not available in the existing ERA5 catalogue, we estimate it from air and dewpoint temperatures through the saturated (SVP) and actual vapor pressure (AVP) relation: VPD = SVP-AVP, which are both functions of Ta and dewpoint temperatures (Td). Finally, the spatial resolution of the resulting data inputs is harmonized to 0.25-degree using an arithmetic averaging. The final product has four variables, including the ensemble mean estimate of GPP and Reco, and its uncertainty as captured by the standard deviation.

Evaluation on the site and global level

First, we compare the performance of meta-trained versus non-meta-trained models in terms of their RMSE scores on the testing sets. In addition, we evaluate how robust meta-trained models are in predicting extreme fluxes. This is done by selecting GPP or Reco fluxes that exceed a predefined z-normalized threshold, t, that we vary between 1.0 and 2.0 (i.e. higher threshold means more extreme observations away from the mean value).

Next, we evaluate the upscaled product by analyzing its seasonality and interannual trends across climate zones. Thereafter, we compute the interannual variability using the interannual coefficient of variation (CV; Eq. 3) at the pixel level:

$$CV=\frac{\sigma }{\mu }$$

where σ and μ are the interannual standard deviation and mean, respectively.

Finally, the Pearson correlation coefficient between GPP and solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) from CSIF27 (retrievable from and TROPOMI SIF28 (retrievable from is calculated across climate zones on a monthly timescale, for the periods 2001–2018 and 2019–2020, respetively. To benchmark our product, we compare our GPP-SIF correlation estimate, r(GPPmetaflux, SIF) with that of Fluxcom data-driven product29, r(GPPfluxcom, SIF), between the years 2001 and 2020. Generally-speaking, a higher correlation corresponds to a better GPP estimate, though this is not always the case as different ecosystem regimes and physiological characteristics may manifest different associative patterns30.

Data Records

The global products amount to around 50GB and are freely accessible in Zenodo at The spatial resolution is 0.25-degree, extending between 90-degree north to 90-degree south, and between 180-degree west and 180-degree east. We mask out cold regions that consist of the Arctic circle and Antarctica. Each Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) file contains four variables: GPP, Reco, GPP_std, Reco_std that represent GPP, Reco ensemble mean and their uncertainties respectively. Temporally, each file is resolved at either the daily or monthly timescale. For instance, Fig. 5 illustrates the annual ensemble mean, while Fig. 6 the ensemble uncertainties of GPP and Reco for the year 2021. We note that GPP tends to have higher uncertainty than Reco, especially in the equator and higher-latitude regions.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Mean ensemble estimate of (a) GPP and (b) Reco for the year 2021. Higher estimates of GPP and Reco are observed in the tropics while lower ones are in the semi-arid regions.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Ensemble uncertainty in terms of the standard deviation of (a) GPP and (b) Reco for the year 2021. Generally, GPP has higher uncertainty than Reco, especially in the equator and higher-latitude regions.

For the daily product, the naming convention for each .nc file is METAFLUX_GPP_RECO_daily_<year><month>.nc; where <year> takes a value between 2001 and 2021 and <month> between 01 and 12 for January and December.

For the monthly product, we perform identical training and upscaling steps but using monthly, rather than daily fluxes, reanalysis, and remote sensing products. The naming convention for each file is METAFLUX_GPP_RECO_monthly_<year>.nc; where <year> takes a value between 2001 and 2021.

Technical Validation

In this section, we first evaluate our meta-learning approach based on site-level validation RMSE and its robustness to extreme observations. Next, we examine the seasonality, interannual trend and variability, and correlation with independent SIF products.

Evaluation of meta-learning as a learning framework

Convergence and site-level performance

As illustrated in Fig. 7 and Table 1, meta-trained deep models generally perform better than their baseline non-meta-trained counterparts. For instance, the validation RMSE of the meta-trained MLP on GPP is 3.13 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.06 as compared to 3.47 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.07 in the baseline case. A similar result is observed for Reco where the RMSE of the meta-trained MLP is 3.07 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.05 as compared to 3.31 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.07 in the baseline case. In addition, the choice of deep networks matters. Overall, models that incorporate temporal information, i.e. the LSTM and BiLSTM models, perform better than models that do not. In the GPP case, for example, the non-meta-trained BiLSTM model has the lowest validation error of 3.00 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.04, followed by the meta-trained LSTM model with an RMSE of 3.06 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.06. This confirms our physical intuition that water stress, which tends to regulate productivity, builds up over many days to months and thus requires a memory process as captured by the recurrent neural networks. Moreover, plant photosynthesis and respiration can acclimate to the prevailing environmental conditions, such as temperature, light and VPD31,32, which tend to be captured more effectively by memory-informed models. Nonetheless, the addition of bi-directionality in the BiLSTM model does not appear to significantly reduce error in the meta-trained models. This can be because the concept of data assimilation from future context has been captured through the process of meta-learning itself or that the signal coming from unidirectional timeseries is sufficiently saturated to parameterize the model. In other words, since our meta-learning approach primarily considers the spatial heterogeneity of the fluxes (e.g., across climate zones and PFTs), this spatial information, along with the temporal signals coming from BiLSTM gradient steps, result in a more unstable learning due to signal oversaturation which is evident from the larger convergence spread across model runs. This can be regularized by considering not just spatial, but also the spatiotemporal heterogeneity in a meta-learning approach33, though this will increase the complexity of the algorithm and could potentially limit its extrapolation capacity. This remains the subject of future work.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Site-level validation errors for (a) GPP and (b) Reco across differentiable models (MLP, LSTM, and BiLSTM) that are meta-trained (orange lines) or not (blue lines). The shaded regions represent the standard deviation of RMSE across 5 model runs and 100 epochs (where a single epoch refers to a complete pass over the entire training dataset). In general, the meta-trained models perform better, and the choice of internal learner matters as demonstrated by the overall lower RMSE of the either LSTM or BiLSTM time models that account for temporal dependency.

Table 1 Site-level validation RMSE (gCm−2 d−1) across differentiable models for GPP and Reco.

Robustness under extreme conditions

Making an accurate estimate for extreme cases is especially important in climate science because extreme weather tends to cause catastrophic damages, such as major droughts, wildfires, or plant mortality34,35. Fig. 8 illustrates the performance of our meta-trained models under an increasing magnitude of extremes as defined by the z-normalized threshold, t. In general, our meta-trained models (orange line) are more robust in predicting extreme cases of observed GPP and Reco (i.e. lower validation RMSE) than their baseline counterparts (blue line), with a difference of around 1.2 gC m−2 d−1 and 0.7 gC m−2 d−1 for GPP and Reco respectively.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparison between the performance of meta-trained and baseline models at an increasing level of extreme (a) GPP and (b) Reco daily observations. The y-axis indicates the average RMSE when the ensemble predicts carbon fluxes with z-value greater than the threshold t. Overall, we find that the meta-trained ensemble has lower RMSE across increasing extreme threshold than its baseline counterpart.

If we further examine model performance across climate zones (Tables 2, 3) and select extreme fluxes with a normalized-target threshold, t, that is greater than 1.0, we find that our meta-trained models outperform the baselines. The reason why we choose this threshold is to have sufficient extreme observations across climate zones such that a more meaningful comparison can be made. In the GPP case, for example, meta-trained ensemble has lower validation RMSE of 3.78 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.33 (versus 4.10 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.29) and 3.04 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.02 (versus 3.45 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.06) in the semi-arid and tropics, respectively. A similar finding is observed for Reco where meta-trained ensemble has lower validation RMSE of 2.35 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.04 (versus 2.65 gC m−2 d−1  ± 0.06) in the tropics. These results are promising as the representation of both the tropics and semi-arid regions in many upscaled products is often challenging due to the limited number of observations available and the complex, memory-like processes involved. For example, in the semi-arid regions, there is a build-up of time-dependent water stresses36, while in the tropics, there is a complex seasonal cycle of leaf flushing and phenology37,38. Our approach is superior in its ability to reproduce carbon fluxes in the tropics and semi-arid areas because limited data here are optimally enriched with shared information coming from other data-abundant regions through meta-learning.

Table 2 Robustness of meta-trained ensemble when inferring extreme GPP observations across climate zones at the normalized-target threshold, t > 1.0 (all units in gC m−2 d−1).
Table 3 Robustness of meta-trained ensemble when inferring extreme Reco observations across climate zones at the normalized-target threshold, t > 1.0 (all units in gC m−2 d−1).

Evaluation of meta-learned global data

Now that we have validated our meta-learning framework on the site level, we proceed to evaluate the internal consistency of our upscaled product. This includes the analysis of seasonality, interannual variability, and comparison to SIF as an independent photosynthesis product.

Temporal analysis

First, we analyze the seasonality of our upscaled GPP and Reco across months for the years between 2001 and 2021. As shown in Fig. 9, both fluxes exhibit similar seasonality albeit at different magnitudes. The tropics (including the dry and wet regions) contribute the most to the global GPP and Reco, as expected39,40, while the semi-arid regions contribute the least41. Carbon fluxes in the temperate (northern hemisphere) and continental regions exhibit unimodal variations that peak in the summer (June, July, and August - JJA), while those in the southern temperate regions peak in December, January, and February (DJF)42. On average, the temperate regions have higher carbon fluxes than the continental areas, which tend to be limited by light and temperature, with shorter growing seasons43.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Seasonality of (a) GPP and (b) Reco across climate zones for the years 2001–2021.

Another interesting analysis is to understand the long-term trends of our global carbon fluxes. As observed in Fig. 10, our meta-trained global carbon product shows an overall increase in GPP by 0.0113 PgCyr−1 and Reco by 0.0101 PgCyr−1. We extend Fig. 10 by making a comparison with other carbon flux products, including those from light response function (LRF)44, P-model45, MODIS17 (MOD17)46, Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP)47, vegetation photosynthesis model (VPM)27, and Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS)48 for GPP, as well as Fluxcom29 for both GPP and Reco. Overall, they show similar peaks and declines, albeit at varying magnitudes (between 100–140 PgC yr−1) as shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Interannual trends and variations of global (a) GPP and (b) Reco for 2001–2021. Overall we observe an increase of 0.0113 PgCyr−1 (standard error: 0.02 PgCyr−1) and 0.0101 PgCyr−1 (standard error: 0.02 PgCyr−1) for both fluxes, respectively. At a critical value of 0.01, both regression lines are significant with with p-value less than 0.01.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Interannual global average of (a) GPP and (b) Reco (PgCyr−1) in comparison with other global carbon products.

Interannual variability

We find that the semi-arid regions of Australia, America, and some parts of the northern latitudes have the largest interannual variability of GPP and Reco (Fig. 12). This is consistent with results from2 and3 that reported significant contribution of these regions, particularly of the Australian ecosystems, in explaining much of the global carbon interannual variability. As a result, the high turnover rate of carbon pools in these semi-arid environments warrants further research into how the climate and anthropogenic factors can account for this large interannual variability, such as the extent of carbon stock decomposition (e.g. due to wildfire) and accumulation during the dry and wet seasons. In addition, our upscaled product shows high interannual variability in the dry tropical regions of Asia. However, this variation becomes smaller in the tropical forests of Asia, Africa, and America owing to their relatively stable climate. This can be attributed to the region’s sensitivity to rainfall pattern driven by El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), or soil moisture49,50 and rapid land-use changes51. In contrast to Fluxcom, our upscaled product does not show as much interannual variability, especially in desert regions (eg. Australia, Central America, South America, and Central Asia), which may be more accurate owing to the extremely low primary productivity there in the first place52. Nonetheless, we note that in some parts of the globe, especially along the Sahel and continental Western Europe, the interannual variability of carbon fluxes from MetaFlux is smaller. Physically, this phenomenon has been reported by53 and54 who observe how variations in terrestrial carbon productivity tend to be stronger in space rather than time. The second plausible reason would be that the ensemble captures much of this variability (i.e. expressed as standard deviation), where each member model learns a different temporal structure that can result in lower than expected mean interannual variability. Lastly, and as highlighted in Figs. 13, 14, meta-learning attempts to learn efficiently from historically underrepresented regions, such as the tropics, which tend to have low interannual variability. This potentially results in a reduction in such variability at higher latitudes, especially along the temperate and continental regions.

Fig. 12
figure 12

The interannual variability as measured by the coefficient of variation (CV) for (a) MetaFlux GPP, (b) MetaFlux Reco, (c) Fluxcom GPP, and (d) Fluxcom Reco.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Aggregate Pearson correlation coefficient for the seasonality of GPPmetaflux (versus GPPfluxcom) and CSIF for the year 2012 in the (a) continental – 0.937 (versus 0.996), (b) temperate – 0.929 (versus 0.819), (c) semi-arid – 0.931 (versus 0.926), and (d) tropics – 0.829 (versus 0.457). The y-axis represents the min-max scaled value of either GPP or SIF for that particular climate zone.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Aggregate Pearson correlation coefficient for the seasonality of GPPmetaflux (versus GPPfluxcom) and TROPOSIF for the year 2019 in the (a) continental – 0.925 (versus 0.963), (b) temperate – 0.917 (versus 0.805), (c) semi-arid – 0.773 (versus 0.561), and (d) tropics – 0.844 (versus 0.179). The y-axis represents the min-max scaled value of either GPP or SIF for that particular climate zone.

Comparison with Solar-induced fluorescence (SIF)

In order to evaluate the quality of the seasonal cycle of our product, in particular GPP, we measure its correlation coefficient with several SIF products. MetaFlux GPP demonstrates higher Pearson correlation coefficient with both CSIF and TROPOSIF (Figs. 13, 14, Tables 4, 5) than Fluxcom GPP across the temperate, semi-arid, and tropical regions with values higher than 0.8 to 0.9 even at the very northern latitudes. In particular, the correlation coefficient of our upscaled product with TROPOSIF in the semi-arid, tropics, and temperate regions are 0.856 ± 0.083 (versus 0.726 ± 0.165), 0.546 ± 0.299 (versus 0.343 ± 0.164), and 0.919 ± 0.002 (versus 0.826 ± 0.021), respectively. A similar trend is also observed in the CSIF case where the correlation in the semi-arid, tropics, and temperate regions are 0.925 ± 0.026 (versus 0.914 ± 0.060), 0.772 ± 0.080 (versus 0.608 ± 0.105), and 0.922 ± 0.022 (versus 0.914 ± 0.037), respectively. Across the two SIF products, however, we observe weaker correlation strength in the continental regions. Upon further inspection of Figs. 13, 14, the weaker association could be due to the slight uptick of our GPP estimate during the DJF period, which can be attributed to the lower quality of LAI retrievals because of snow cover.

Table 4 Mean Pearson correlation coefficient for the seasonality of GPP (MetaFlux and Fluxcom) and CSIF in the years 2001-2018 across climate zones.
Table 5 Mean Pearson correlation coefficient for the seasonality of GPP (MetaFlux and Fluxcom) and TROPOSIF in the years 2019–2020 across climate zones. The numbers in bold represent product with higher GPP-SIF correlation.

Finally, we inspect the pixel-level correlation distribution of MetaFlux and Fluxcom with long-term CSIF product, as illustrated in Fig. 15. In general, MetaFlux has lower correlation with SIF in the tropical rainforest of Indonesia and Amazon as well as the arid regions of Australia, Gobi, Arabian, Syrian, Karakum, Taklamakan, Gobi, and the Great Plains in Northern America. This trend is consistent with earlier reports by55, for example, who showed how arid and extremely wet tropical regions (e.g. rainforests) tend to have low GPP-SIF correlation because of weak seasonality that essentially drop correlations to background noise level.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Pixel-level Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the seasonality of SIF and GPP for (a) MetaFlux and (b) Fluxcom.

In summary, we have developed a new terrestrial carbon flux product, MetaFlux, using an ensemble of meta-learned deep networks. We have demonstrated how meta-learning can better estimate fluxes in data-sparse, yet critical regions (e.g. semi-arid and the tropics) and are more robust to predicting extreme observations. Our global product is able to outperform other reference product when evaluated against independent measurement, such as SIF or on flux tower networks. We believe that although data sparsity can be a major limiting factor to our complete understanding of many climate processes, leveraging knowledge in other similar domains can be powerful to better understand processes and their response to the environment.

Usage Notes

The data is permanently stored in Zenodo at and is available at either the monthly or daily temporal scale. Each file contains four variables, GPP, Reco, GPP_std, and Reco_std, that are resolved continuously at a 0.25-degree spatial resolution. We purposely mask out the cold regions of Antarctica and the Arctic circle because we assume the lack of GPP and Reco there. Although we do not mask out the arid regions (e.g. deserts), we would recommend users to do so in order to remove any artifical, though small, estimates. In addition, we do not estimate net ecosystem exchange (NEE) explicitly. One of the primary reasons is because their fluxes (and by extension, their magnitude of variability) are significantly lower than that of GPP and Reco, making estimations from current input variables difficult and because the underlying drivers of GPP and Reco can differ. Separating the fluxes will ensure better generalization across regimes. Nonetheless, since we use the night-time partitioning algorithm that extrapolates respiration-based NEE estimates (where GPP is assumed to be absent during night-time) to daytime56, users are able to get an approximation of NEE by subtracting GPP from Reco (i.e., Reco - GPP). However, this approximation is still subject to broader validation, which we leave for future work.